DUO by TSL - Couple’s jewellery concept store Explore More Shop By Category Rings Necklaces & Pendants Earrings Bracelets Brands Fortune Bracelet Series A journey of prosperity, longevity, happiness and wealth Fortune Bracelet Series ANIMA - The Chinese 12 Zodiac Anima Collection Art of Gold...
All platinum jewellery available at TSL|謝瑞麟 contains 95% or 99% pure platinum. A higher density of platinum means that it is more durable than pure gold, more chemically inert, and more resistant to corrosion. Unique Platinum Hallmarks Most platinum jewellery on the market is silver white in...
關於TSL Jewellery Hong Kong TSL 謝瑞麟 - 經典雋永的時尚珠寶 - 重新演繹時尚珠寶。 We thrive to bring a transformative voice to the traditional world of fine jewellery, to redefine luxury by unique individuality, self-actualization and exceptional craftsmanship. We are the ultimate styling solution wit...
Jewellery & Watches Established in 1971, TSL Jewellery is renowned for its expertise in jewellery designs and retailing as well as wholesaling services. The brand has over 120 retail outlets throughout the region.Shop details Email enquiry@tslj.com Location(s): Outlying Islands Address:...
dedicated to excellence since 1960 Tse Sui Luen Jewellery (International) Limited ("TSL | 謝瑞麟" or "the Group") was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited in 1987, with the stock code 417. The Group was founded by the legendary Hong Kong goldsmith and king...
TSL JEWELLERY (H.K.) CO. LIMITED 申请人地址(英文): G/F., BLOCK B, SUMMIT BUILDING, 30 MAN YUE STREET, HUNGHOM, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, CHINA 商品/服务项目 已申请群组: 1401;1402;1403 已申请商品/服务: 1401未加工的金或金箔;铂(金属);未加工或半加工贵重金属;贵重金属合金;贵重金属及其合金;...
商标名称: 谢瑞麟 TSL 申请/注册号: 7181550 商标类型: 普通商标 是否共有商标: 否 商标申请日期: 2009-01-23 初审公告日期: 2010-05-20(1216期公告) 注册满三年日期: 2013-08-21 国际分类: 14类 珠宝钟表 商标状态: 已注册·商标续展核准 商标形式: ...
TSL | 謝瑞麟 grows rapidly and sets up a jewellery factory at its headquarter in Hunghom to cope with increasing demand. This factory, with more than 1,000 workers, sets the record as the largest jewellery factory not only in Hong Kong, but in the whole of Southeast Asia. 1980’s The ...
地区 中国- 内地及港澳台地区 Hong Kong SAR 香港特別行政區 中国内地 Macao SAR 澳門特別行政區 中國台灣 其他国家/地区 Canada Europe Indonesia 日本 한국 Philippines ประเทศไทย United States Việt Nam Other Asia Pacific ...
申请人名称(中文)谢瑞麟珠宝(香港)有限公司 申请地址(中文)中国香港九龙红磡民裕街30号兴业工商大厦地下B座 申请人名称(英文)TSL JEWELLERY (H.K.) CO. LIMITED 申请地址(英文)G/F., BLOCK B, SUMMIT BUILDING, 30 MAN YUE STREET, HUNGHOM, KOWLOON, HONG KONG, CHINA 代理/办理机构信息 代理/办理机构北...