Npm脚本失败-‘’未被识别为内部或外部命令 npm脚本失败,并显示sh: 1::not found in docker container npm错误!在node-sass@4.14.1安装后脚本失败 执行脚本的Npm命令 外部npm包的Jest失败 页面内容是否对你有帮助? 有帮助 没帮助 相关·内容 文章 问答 (9999+) 视频 沙龙 1回答 仅使用ts-node的npm脚本失败 ...
{ "name": "agent", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "start": "tsc && node dist/index.js", "dev": "nodemon --watch 'src/**/*.ts' -e ts,tsx --exec 'ts-node' ./src/index.ts", "debug": "nodemon --inspect --watch 'src/*...
workerProcess=fork(testProcessPath,{stdio:[0,"pipe","pipe","ipc"],execArgv:["-r","ts-node/register"],...}); B. Add those arguments in the test script inpackage.jsondepending on the platform. For linux, useexport NODE_OPTIONS='-r ts-node/register' ...
{"execMap":{"ts":"ts-node"}} With the new configuration of nodemon, a custom command can be executed for TypeScript files. Upon calling nodemon with a TypeScript file (such asnodemon index.ts), the corresponding command in theexecMapwill be found for.tsfiles, and executed by passing t...
throw APIError.notFound("无效选项"); } await db.exec` UPDATE options SET vote_count = vote_count + 1 WHERE id = ${optionId}`; return { message: "投票已成功记录" }; } ); 全屏模式 退出 让我们测试一下我们的投票接口。 查看民意调查结果, ...
HarmonyOS是否限制App进程fork子进程,是否允许app里自带的可执行文件运行(fork+exec)执行,并通过ptrace方式读取自身进程?这种方式以后是否会限制并禁止? HarmonyOS提供了两种页面加载方式,两者有何区别,怎么选择? HarmonyOS的服务为什么以进程的形式存在,而不是放在system server里面? 如何跳转到系统文件管理App界面 ...
If your build directory contains TypeScript files, you have a configuration error in your project. I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ...
3.如果zsh: command not found: docker,按照以下步骤处理: 在.bash_profile 写入:export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/ 在.zshrc 中写入:source ~/.bash_profile 运行source .zshrc 运行docker -v 测试docker 终端运行docker run hello-world, 会得到以下结果: ...
如果出现-bash: node: command not found 说明node的环境没有搭建。请到官网上下载。 如果终端上出现:v10.16.0类似这样的版本号,说明你的node环境搭建好啦。 二、读文件 我们先读取固定的文件,后面我们会尝试实现翻译上传的文件,有需要的小伙伴可以移步到后面的内容。
NOTAUTH RESP2 values: 100 The user associated with the issuing task is not authorized to use this command. 101 The user associated with the issuing task is not authorized to access the BUNDLE for this NODEJSAPP. NOTFND RESP2 values: 3 The NODEJSAPP resource cannot be found.Parent...