/bin/sh: 1: ts-node: not found [Done] exited with code=127 in 0.024 seconds I'm assuming I've set everything up correctly. though I could be wrong, any ideas as to what the issue may be? Thanks... Oh, sorry, forgot to mention ,the above error is the result of invoking ts-...
如果这个命令返回了 ts-node 的版本号,那么说明它已经安装。如果返回了类似的 command not found 错误,那么你需要进行安装。 如果未安装,提供安装ts-node的命令: 如果ts-node 未安装,你可以使用 npm(Node Package Manager)来安装它。运行以下命令: sh npm install -g ts-node 这里的 -g 参数表示全局安装,...
场景:typescript在vscode运行,报错:/bin/sh: ts-node: command not found 需要安装ts-node npm install -g ts-node
I used ts-node to do "ts-node fileName.ts" in terminal this run my file.ts, but using 'code runner' does not work for me. The error persist even when I restart my vs code. What solve it for me was restarting my mac computer. So I guess what happened is that code runner expect...
简介: typescript vscode /bin/sh: ts-node: command not found vscode运行typescript报错:/bin/sh: ts-node: command not found 解决: # 安装ts-node sudo npm install -g ts-node文章标签: JavaScript Shell 关键词: vscode node.js vscode found node.js found bin node.js vscode command ...
$ npm run serve > front-end@0.1.0 serve > vue-cli-service serve sh: 1: vue-cli-service: not found npm ERR! code 127 npm ERR! path /home/codists/projects/flask-vue-blog/front-end npm ERR! command failed npm ERR! command sh -c vue-cli-service serve npm ERR! A complete log of...
Vue.js项目无法启动:sh: 1: vue-cli-service: not found codists Life is short, You need Python 1 人赞同了该文章 问题描述 使用npm run serve 命令启动 Vue.js 项目时无法启动。具体报错如下:$ npm run serve > front-end@0.1.0 serve > vue-cli-service serve sh: 1: vue-cli-service...
Vue.js项⽬⽆法启动:sh:1:vue-cli-service:notfound 问题描述 使⽤npm run serve命令启动 Vue.js 项⽬时⽆法启动。具体报错如下:$ npm run serve > front-end@0.1.0 serve > vue-cli-service serve sh: 1: vue-cli-service: not found npm ERR! code 127 npm ERR! path /home/codis...
1-将启动脚本更新为"start": "node dist/main.js"2-将@nestjs/cli从devDependency移动到dependency ...