1930AshWednesday1943FourQuartets-NoblePrizeforliteraturein19481932Literarycriticism:SelectedEssays,TheUsesofPoetry,OnpoetryandPoets,etc1958Verseplays:MurderintheCathedral TheWasteLand ByT.S.Eliot TheWasteLand(Extract)I.THEBURIALOFTHEDEADAprilisthecruellestmonth,breedingLilacsoutofthedeadland,mixing丁香花Memoryand...
Define TS Eliot. TS Eliot synonyms, TS Eliot pronunciation, TS Eliot translation, English dictionary definition of TS Eliot. Noun 1. T. S. Eliot - British poet who won the Nobel prize for literature; his plays are outstanding examples of modern verse dra
UsesofPoetry,OnpoetryandPoets,etc 1958Verseplays:MurderintheCathedral TheWasteLand ByT.S.Eliot I.THEBURIALOFTHEDEAD Aprilisthecruellestmonth,breeding Lilacsoutofthedeadland,mixing Memoryanddesire,stirring Dullrootswithspringrain. Winterkeptuswarm,covering5 ...
内容提示: "The Metaphysical Poets" (T.S. Eliot) First published in the Times Literary Supplement, 20 October 1921. By collecting these poems from the work of a generation more often named than read, and more often read than profitably studied, Professor Grierson has rendered a service of ...
Symbolic meaning of “waste land”Assessment The Waste Land, Eliots most important single poem, has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th-century English poetry, comparable to Wordsworths Lyrical Ballads. expressed his horror at the spiritual turmoil of modern Europe. On one lev ...
1925 The Hollow Man -the spiritual and emotional aridity of modern men Third period 1930 Ash Wednesday 1943 Four Quartets -Noble Prize for literature in 1948 1932 Literary criticism: Selected Essays, The Uses of Poetry, On poetry and Poets, etc 1958 Verse plays: Murder in the Cathedral ;;?
English1917PrufrockandOtherObservations 《普鲁弗洛克及其他》—Firstvolumeofpoetry Secondperiod 1922TheWasteLand《荒原》:Eliot’sepochalmasterpiece,arepresentativeworkoftheHighModernismofthe1920s 1925TheHollowMan《透明人》:thespiritualandemotionalaridityofmodernmen,exhibitingapessimism Thirdperiod 1930AshWednesday《...
Eliot has been one of the most daring innovators of twentieth-century poetry. Never compromising either with the public or indeed with language itself, he has followed his belief that poetry should aim at a representation of the complexities of modern civilization in language and that such represen...
Eliot House T. S. Eliot grew up between Missouri and Massachusetts, between St Louis and New England – an arrangement that marked his poetry as it marked his life. ‘I am afraid’, he wrote in 1930, ‘no scenery except the Mississippi, the prairie and the North East Coast has ever ...