TSEliot简介及作品介绍 T.S.Eliot (1888-1965))ThomasStearnsEliot Apoet,dramatist,literarycritic,andmodernist.CharacteristicsofModernisminLiterature 1.OnecharacteristicofEnglishModernismis"thedehumanizationofart";2.Themodernistwritersaremainlyconcernedwiththeinnerbeingofanindividual;3.Modernismis,inmanyaspects,are...
As a modern poet, critic and playwright, Eliot attaches great importance to tradition. His sense of tradition is a united system which mainly involves his historical sense, strong religious beliefs and mythical methods. It represents an adherence to the past, a trend to go back to history...
TSEliot(艾略特,美国文学)T.S.Eliot (1888-1965)ThomasStearnsEliot Apoet,dramatist,literarycritic,andmodernist.•HewasborninMissourionSeptember26,1888.HelivedinSt.LouisduringthefirsteighteenyearsofhislifeandattendedHarvardUniversity.•In1910,helefttheUnitedStatesfortheSorbonne,havingearnedbothundergraduateand...
Eliot’s poems, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Rhapsody on a Windy Night. Eliot’s manipulation of poetic techniques in both these poems allows the responder to realise that some ideas prevail in both modern and post-modern society. These poems explore the unknown phenomena of the ...
Prufrock and Other Observations his first book of poems published in 1917 immediately established him as a leading poet of the avant-garde Eliots reputation began to grow to nearly mythic proportions with the publication of The Waste Land 13、in 1922 now considered by many to be the single ...
T.S.Eliot(TS艾略特简介+荒原节选赏析+译文)T.S.Eliot ByXXXXXX Life&MajorWorks Birthandfamilybackground:borninawealthyfamilyofAmerica,parentswerewellculturedEducation:receivedagoodeducationwhenhewasyound,especiallyclassicalliterature;studiedinHarvardin1906;studiedinParisandOxfordaftergettinghisM.A.degreeMarriage:...
TS Eliot 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Exteriority and Interiority in T.S. Eliot's Graduate Work ELIOT, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965POETRY (Literary form)LITERARY criticismPOETRY writingCritics often present Eliot as a poet who emphasizes ... MR Bedsole - 《Journal of Modern Literature》 被...
Eliot,an important poet,playwright,and literary critic of the nineteenth century in the United States,was the founder of Western modernism.He pioneered the modern poetic criticism.His practice of modernist poetry is the transition from traditionalist poetics to modernist poetics in the 20th century....
The poet T.S. Eliot was most active during the Modernist period and contributed significant pieces to its literature. Discover more about the...