You can use the material for non-commercial purposes, as long as you give appropriate credit by citing our original github repo and indicate any changes that you've made to the code.About TryOnDiffusion: A Tale of Two UNets Implementation Resources Readme Activity Stars 0 stars ...
总之,TryOnDiffusion既保留了衣服的细节效果,也适配了新模特的身材和姿势,谷歌的技术做到了二者兼得,效果相当逼真。 技术细节 在一张展示一个模特的身体的图片,另一张展示另一个穿着某件衣服的模特的图片的条件下,TryOnDiffusion的目标是生成一个展示这件服装在这个人身上可能会呈现的具体的视觉效果。 解决这个问题...
GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.
git clone This will clone the repository and navigate you into the project directory. Set Up Virtual Environment python -m venv venv .\venv\Scripts\activate These commands create and activate a virtual environment named venv. This isola...
🚀 谷歌新AI模型TryOnDiffusion:实现了高度逼真的虚拟试穿 摘要:谷歌发布了一个新的AI模型TryOnDiffusion,能够实现高度逼真的虚拟试穿,只需输入一张全身照和一张衣服模特照片,就能预览穿上这件衣服后的样子。该模型的突破在于基于Diffusion的框架,通过将两个Parallel-Unet统一起来,既保留了衣服的细节效果,又...
OOTDiffusion: Outfitting Fusion based Latent Diffusion for Controllable Virtual Try-on Yuhao Xu,Tao Gu,Weifeng Chen, Chengcai Chen Xiao-i Research Installation Clone the repository git clone Create a conda environment and install the required packages ... 论文地址: Diffuse to Choose Diffuse to Choose 是由亚马逊推出的,也是基于扩散模型改进,可以为网购客户提供身临其境的虚拟试穿服务。与扩散模型相比,Diffuse to Choose模型能更好地捕捉商品细节,保证与环境的高度融合。用户可以...
【导读】据 Arixv 页面显示,Google Research 近日联合华盛顿大学推出一款大模型产品 TryOnDiffusion:虚拟试穿服装。 也许会让人感到困惑,这功能不是老早就有人实现过了吗? 是的。十几年前就有人声称可以实现这一功能,但当时实际上离真正的"智能化"还有很大的差距。
TryOnDiffusion: A Tale of Two UNets paper image-20230809120431545 Abstract key challenge: 合成照片写实级的保留衣服细节,同时形变到相应的人体姿态和形态上 本文提出了diffusion-based架构,统一了2个UNets,即为paralle-UNet ...
OOTDiffusion This repository is the official implementation of OOTDiffusion 🤗 Try out OOTDiffusion (Thanks to ZeroGPU for providing A100 GPUs) OOTDiffusion: Outfitting Fusion based Latent Diffusion for Controllable Virtual Try-on [arXiv paper] Yuhao Xu, Tao Gu, Weifeng Chen, Chengcai Chen Xiao...