[6]Dong, Haoye, et al. "Towards multi-pose guided virtual try-on network."Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision. 2019.GitHub - cuiaiyu/street-tryon-benchmark: StreetTryOn: A Benchmark for In-the-Wild Virtual Try-On and Cross-Domain Virtual Try-OnDong, ...
本篇将继续介绍基于图像的虚拟试穿(Virtual Try-On)任务的SOTA方法(其他SOTA方法可见我的专栏AIGC论文导读 - 知乎 (zhihu.com))。Latent Diffusion已经被广泛应用在文图生成、图像修复和图像超分等领域,但还没有方法将Latent Diffusion引入虚拟试穿任务中,以提高生成能力。2023年,意大利的摩德纳雷焦大学和佛罗伦萨大学...
实验结果表明,DiffHuman能够为输入图像中不可见或不确定的人物部位产生多样且详细的重建结果,同时在重建可见表面时与最先进方法竞争力十足。 30、Texture-Preserving Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Virtual Try-On 图像虚拟试穿对于在线购物变得越来越重要。目标是合成一个指定人物穿着指定服装的图像。基于扩散模型的...
https://www.walmart.com/cp/virtual-try-on/4879497 FiLM: Visual Reasoning with a General Conditioning Layer
OOTDiffusion: Outfitting Fusion based Latent Diffusion for Controllable Virtual Try-on[arXiv paper] Yuhao Xu,Tao Gu,Weifeng Chen,Chengcai Chen Xiao-i Research Our model checkpoints trained onVITON-HD(half-body) andDress Code(full-body) have been released ...
🚀 谷歌新AI模型TryOnDiffusion:实现了高度逼真的虚拟试穿 摘要:谷歌发布了一个新的AI模型TryOnDiffusion,能够实现高度逼真的虚拟试穿,只需输入一张全身照和一张衣服模特照片,就能预览穿上这件衣服后的样子。该模型的突破在于基于Diffusion的框架,通过将两个Parallel-Unet统一起来,既保留了衣服的细节效果,又...
OOTDiffusion: Outfitting Fusion based Latent Diffusion for Controllable Virtual Try-on Yuhao Xu, Tao Gu, Weifeng Chen, Chengcai Chen Xiao-i Research Our paper is coming soon! 🔥🔥 Our model checkpoints trained on VITON-HD (768 * 1024) have been released! Checkpoints trained on Dress Cod...
TryOnDiffusion 是谷歌推出的一款基于扩散模型的虚拟试衣技术,旨在为用户提供高质量、逼真的试衣体验。该技术通过结合两个UNet(Parallel-UNet)网络,实现了在保留服装细节的同时,适应人体姿势和形状变化的能力。这一创新方法解决了传统虚拟试衣技术在细节保持和姿势适应方面的局限性,达到了业界领先的性能。
The goal of image-based virtual try-on is to generate an image of the target person naturally wearing the given clothing. However, existing methods solely focus on the frontal try-on using the frontal clothing. When the views of the clothing and person are significantly inconsistent, particularly...
We present Mobile Fitting Room, the first on-device diffusion-based virtual try-on system. To address multiple inter-related technical challenges such as high-quality garment placement and model compression for mobile devices, we present a novel technical pipeline and an interface design that enables...