TRX是Total Resistance Exercise的缩写,即“全身抗阻力训练”的意思。起源于美国海豹突击队,利用此训练工具可进行上百种不同的训练方式,从而提高训练者的力量、平衡、灵活性、核心稳定性。 板式、拉、折弯、旋转、推、蹲、弓步——是人体最基础的动作模式,如果在错误的模式下进行训练,只会越练越伤,建立正确...
An Effective TRX Exercise: Row The only TRX exercise for which we need a tool. In the simplified version, the TRX can also be replaced by a door frame, for example. Starting position In the starting position we take care to build up body tension already while standing (beginners) or lyin...
7. back row( 背部划船 ) :手臂握住绳索,双手挺直,肘保持一点曲折,膝盖一点点 曲折,两腿跟肩同样宽,身体重心轻轻向后,以背部发力,手臂夹紧身体双侧今后收,肩胛 TRX 训练动作 骨向后夹,把绳索拉到小腹,保持住再慢慢复原 体斜度增添 ) ( 难度增添:双腿归并或单腿抬起,或把身 8. elevated back row( 高位...
elevated back row(高位划船):手臂握住绳子,双手伸直,肘保持一点弯曲,膝 盖一点点弯曲,两腿跟肩一样宽,加大身体斜度,以背部发力,手臂夹紧身体两侧往后收, 肩胛骨向后夹,把绳子拉到小腹,保持住再慢慢还原 9. power pull-single arm(力量拉伸-单臂):双腿分开与肩同宽,单手抓住绳子,张 开身体,另一边手臂绕身体...
And I do mean a solid workout. Beforeall the isolation set in, I was using TRX straps as part of a professional guided workout atOrange Theory Fitnessmore than I was using them at home, in fact. When you properly execute an exercise designed around these straps, you can perfectly target...