I was very concerned because the attitudes toward Autism fueled by the grief of the parents of the children who have it has resulted in many children not been given the vaccine. Narrator One of the most widely-held myths about the flu shot is that it causes the flu: Jeanne Santoli, MD ...
The article presents questions and answers related to vaccines. Topics covered include why one need more vaccines as an adult when one has been fully vaccinated as a child, whether a flu shot is giving the flu since every time one gets a flu shot he feels louse afterward and whether one ...
You don’t need to believe the CDC story about SARS being some kind of new dangerous killer and you should run out to get your latest flu shot or dash to the store to stock up on a case of “Tylenol Cough and Cold” to help prevent that dreaded 104 degree fever. The only people ...
If I can’t get a dose of FluMist I intend to get the flu instead of getting the shot.. That’s how strongly I feel about the future immunity issue. And, as you listen to those endless public service announcements about the Flu Season and getting protected with a shot, I would like...
Learn the Good News about God on Bible topics including universal restoration, Sabbath resurrection, free will, predestination, Judgement, Holy Spirit, Rapture vs. the Second Coming, and the Seventh-day Sabbath.
The final questions My dear conservative friends about whom I care and know to be decent people who value education:Which side of this battle for the soul of America will you be on? Will you choose leaders who valueeducation, decency, philotimo,truth, freedom, hope, rolling up sleeves, bury...
Myth 2: A flu shot can give you the flu Flu vaccines given as shots do not contain live infectious viruses. The most common side effects are soreness, redness and swelling at the site of injection. Some people do report low fevers and aches, but these symptoms are significantly less severe...
The Plan To Save The WorldMORE HERESENATOR RON JOHNSON ISSUES A PLEA TO ALL DOCTORS AND NURSES:“>>PUT AN END TO THIS INSANITY<<” August 23, 2022Recap > 1976 When the facts came out about the Swine Flu injection propagandaNUREMBERG CODE...
Prof. Scott-Mumby now writes and lectures internationally on the themes of he currently has on cutting-edge alternative medicine, energy medicine, cancer research alternatives, and anti-aging science. He has over 35 years of knowledge and clinical experience which he writes about in his 15 publ...
So sorry about the long messageand please dont be offended of i have told you alot of what you already know or a lot of what you already are doing. You had mentioned you are a Nurse but i dont want to ever assume anything so i just try to tell everything that has been the best ...