Discover facts about flu and the importance of getting a flu shot. Learn about flu symptoms, types of flu, prevention methods & understand how flu spreads. Please see Important Safety Information and full Prescribing Information.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the flu shot for most everyone past the age of 6 months. The vaccine is especially helpful for those at high risk for flu complications. The shot is advised by the CDC for women...
Flu Vaccine (Flu Shot) Get the facts about the flu vaccine (flu shot) side effects, ingredients, and vaccination effectiveness. Learn who should and shouldn't get a flu shot. Immunization Schedule for Adults Immunizations can prevent many diseases nowadays. It's important to follow the immuniza...
According to the CDC, mild side effects from the flu shot include soreness, redness or swelling at the injection site; low-grade fever; and aches. Only about 1% to 2% of people who get a flu shot will have fever as a side effect, Schaffner said. These mild effects should go away with... was created to help raise awareness about influenza and its continued impact on humankind—and about humans’ impact on flu, too.
Get your flu shot Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue Wash hands often with soap and water Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth Keep surfaces clean 1. Key Facts about Influenza (Flu) & Flu Vaccine. (2014 September 9). Retrieved January 30, 2015 from
Myths and Facts About Flu Hide Video Transcript Video Transcript : You might experience some muscle aching, joint pain, which is common from the vaccine. Narrator Myth or fact? I caught the flu from a flu shot. : [Buzzer.] Michael Smith, MD...
Discover facts about flu and the importance of getting a flu shot. Learn about flu symptoms, types of flu, prevention methods & understand how flu spreads. Please see Important Safety Information and full Prescribing Information.
We can’t imagine the film without it. Alamy Stock Photo Of course, if anyone knows anything about movies, that line is clearly a homage to the James Bond line, "They call me Bond, James Bond." As much as we love Gump for his many traits such as his kind heart, and great work...
Get the facts on vaccines. Should we vaccinate our children, should I get the flu shot, what are the risks, pros, cons, and myths? We uncover the truth.