He also emphasizes the importance of getting flu shots for healthy people.CABLE, JOSHEhs TodayTenpenny, Sherri. "The Truth about Flu Shots". Idaho Observer, June 1, 2009.
Narrator The truth is common influenza, the run of the mill flu, is a serious health concern. Isadore Rosenfeld, MD The flu vaccine prevents a viral infection that hospitalizes 200 thousand people in this country every year and kills 36 thousand. We now know that everybody really should get ...
You can read more about my opinion at –Flu Shots – Set Up For Pandemic Death? Try FluMist™ Instead. For those who are concerned about the toxicity of the various flu vaccines I’m going to provide a link to this web page.
Myth 2: A flu shot can give you the flu Flu vaccines given as shots do not contain live infectious viruses. The most common side effects are soreness, redness and swelling at the site of injection. Some people do report low fevers and aches, but these symptoms are significantly less severe...
The only people who benefit from that CDC advice are the drug companies who make the flu shots and manufacture all those many “flavors” of cold medicines. It does not benefit you. To believe the CDC story about SARS and to treat the fever of flu with medi cations is to roll the ...
Also take it regularly in shots. Use 3-4 tablespoons of cloves with about 2 cups of water for the extract. WARNING-DRINK PLENTY OF WATER. Don’t over do your intake of clove. Keep it under amount recommended by physicians. For me shots a day is plenty with lots of water. Why? My ...
They contain a weakened or inactive part of a pathogen, like the flu, that includes its antigen name tag. They trigger the body into making antibodies without needing to get sick from an illness first. Instead of boosting the immune system overall, they give the system exactly wh...
MostVACCINES AND FLU SHOTScontainGMO ingredients. Chemotherapy (AKA “agent orange”) is pushed on the masses as a viable treatment for people who have been steadily consuming pesticide, fluoride, bleach, aspartame, MSG and GMO. Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In nearly...
It’s election year fear porn, now that we blew off their H5N1 bird flu hoax, and previous Monkeypox BS, Ebola… WATCH NOW Incubated PFIZER C19 Self-Assemble Into 3D Poison BLOCKBUSTER BREAKING FINDING: KOREAN AND JAPANESE RESEARCHERS FIND INCUBATED PFIZER AND MODERNA SHOTS ARE BUILDING TECH ST...
s rota virus vaccine, annual flu shots, and dozens of others. States that do not comply will not be eligible for grants for “preventive health services” under the Public Health Services Act. . And please call Rep. Wilson’s office in Washington, DC, and let them know politely why this...