图中的折线就是TSDF函数图像: 为一个设计余量: 权重系数定义: 参数更新: 小写表示是当前帧深度图的TSDF数值和权重,大写表示全局的TSDF数值和权重
To address these problems, we propose a novel 3D reconstruction, texturing and semantic mapping system using LiDAR and camera sensors. An Adaptive Truncated Signed Distance Function is introduced to describe surfaces implicitly, which can deal with different LiDAR point sparsities and improve model qual...
2、根据相机的内参矩阵,转换到图像坐标系,得到体素所在的图像坐标(u,v); 3、如果第i帧深度图像(u,v)处的深度值D(u,v)不为零,则比较D(u,v)与体素相机坐标V(x,y,z)中z的大小。如果D>z,说明体素距离相机近。反之同理。 4、根据3中的结果更新体素中距离值D和权重W 其中 为当前帧立方体中该体素的权重...
什么是“Truncated Signed Distance Function”(TSDF)? Truncated Signed Distance Function(TSDF)是一种用于表示三维空间中物体表面的数据结构。它将空间划分为一个规则的体素网格,并为每个体素存储一个有符号距离值。这个距离值表示该体素中心到物体表面的距离。TSDF将距离值截断在一定范围内(通常是[-1, 1]),以减少...
TSDF Is a set of C++ classes implementing a Truncated Signed Distance Function as described in [1]. It uses GPU acceleration to deliver some kind of performance but is by no means optimised. You might think of it as an example of how to build one rather than a performance version. ...