My father was a wealthy dealer in hardware, farm implements, hunting rifles, coal, leather, etc., and his trade was well established far towards the Russian border. He had served in the Prussian Army under Therdt Koermer against Napoleon and had a bullet wound, which once in a while woul...
omplaints such as high blood pressure. Many of us think 22 stress as something that other people impose on us. We often in about how other people put us 23 pressure. ut we should try not to let such pressure ffect us. We should not forget that we are largely...
The name of Stephen Blamey, a fellow by special election in philosophy at St. Edmund Hall in Oxford, was listed as a member of the editorial board of a predatory journal without his knowledge.EBSCO_AspTimes Higher Education
Presents an article on the state of the securities industry in the U.S. as of December 2003. Information on the Securities Industry Association annual meeting held in Boca Raton, Florida; Participants in the nation's securities markets; Description of the industry.EBSCO_bspOn Wall Street...
The article discusses the ideologies of Plain Language movement in legal profession citing reference to the article "Can the Law Speak Directly to its Subjects? The Limitation of Plain Language" by Rabeea Assy.EBSCO_AspLegal Communication & Rhetoric Jalwd...
Replacing Rice with Soybean for Sustainable Agriculture in the hido-Gangetic Plain of India: Production Technology for Higher Productivity of Soybean.EBSCO_AspInternational Journal of Agricultural Research
There can be latent demand at the retail level, at the wholesale level, the manufacturing level, and the raw materials level (the P.I.E. of higher levels of the value chain being always smaller than the P.I.E. of levels at lower levels of the same value chain, assuming all levels ...