Polar ice can take almost infinite shapes as it crystallizes, moves, and melts. The area around McMurdo Station exhibits this diverse world of ice in microcosm. The mountain ranges near McMurdo look like a dessert that would have pleased Rendu; the ice covers the mountains like a pure white...
If they have it in stock near you, a couple of days. If they don’t, probably a couple of weeks. (I buy my stamps at the window, sine I have a PO box in one office, and pass another to go shopping. But t I’m buying postcards from them every few weeks for the ...
It comes down to higher up-front costs, but much better cost-value across the life of the roof. Reply The Roof Guy June 23, 2016 at 2:13 pm All great points, thank you Doug! Reply Brad June 11, 2016 at 11:11 am Cost range for aluminum roof in Friendswood TX- near ...
That’s all about my plan for the day. What do you think of it, my friends? Today, I’m very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream for which we worked together for nine years or even more. As Beijing becomes the host city of the 29th Olympic Games, every ...
How to get hardware related metrics of SQL Server through query ? How to get Host name and SQL Instance Name by T-SQL How to get integer column value Zero as a blank value in Select Query How to get last months data when executing a stored procedure how to get Last week data during ...
The Google Pixel 7 Pro still heats up a fair bit in some situations, but nowhere near the extremes of the Google Pixel 6 Pro. It's a lot more usable, no longer as hand-singingly hot, and it seems to dissipate the heat better across the body of the phone rather than centering all ...
which has no pity. It was dangerous for man and beast to be near that blazing furnace. Burning timbers and sparks were flying on the wings of boreas and set houses on fire, a quarter of a mile apart. All those men, women and children could do was to flee from the raging element and...
I’m likely one of very few ODSP recipients who has a small following through their writing, art, or activism, as well as friends near and far made through half a lifetime of writing zines and corresponding with pen pals. For myself and so many others, countless others, the next steps...
I was concerned with exploring life, and on a day-to-day level, not my resume or my house or condo or whatever mattered. I was free. What girl in their right mind would not love a guy who was intelligent and did not stress about money? Women and Money again ‘What value is it ...