Prima facie,In my capacity as a private, law-abiding American citizen, this is written to advocate for Conservative, highly-decorated United States Veterans – Antonio La Motta and Joshua Macias. This will clearly show intentional misrepresentations of facts distributed by the news media and the L...
Do YOU believe that following your pastor and gaining the social approval of your church members, will get you into heaven, or do you believe that following the values of JESUS CHRIST will get you into heaven? Are you willing to REJECT what your pastor says and REJECT what the church ...
That is precisely the reason for doing it. To see if I draw the cards I expect to draw when I already know the answer, and to see if those cards are an accurate or meaningful reflection of those facts already known, harnessing that benefit of hindsight in order to challenge my accuracy ...
I’ve long believed that probably 99% of the “Christians” in America (Them, hereafter) don’t know the first thing about the Christ — or the second or third for that matter. For one thing, “Jesus” wasn’t his name; no living person ever called him that to his face. I wonder...
Also ranks #7 on The 35+ Best Movies About Jesus Christ 106 The Buddy Holly Story Gary Busey, Don Stroud, Charles Martin Smith 68 votes A chronicle of the rise and brief career of rock 'n' roll star Buddy Holly (Gary Busey), who aspires to play music the way he wants it to sound...
This is among the facts that make the Lithuanian community of Brussels unique, as they tend to have a closer relationship to Lithuania than other Lithuanian diaspora, effectively being both emigrants and not emigrants at the same time, as their work is related to an international organization ...
Here are 13 facts about God’s elect. read more Jul 17, 2024 New Episode: God & Guns (Part 2) w/ Jerry Robinson Join Jerry Robinson as he delves into the complex relationship between faith and firearms, challenging us to embody Jesus’ radical love and peace. read more Mar 31, ...
It’s just like the teaching of their preachers, that Yahshua (Whom they call Jesus) and the twelve disciples “did away” with the Laws of Yahweh in the New Testament teachings. We, should be above accepting as facts the words of lying propaganda, without checking these teachings out for...
This passage—along with the facts that the Constitution does not mention God or a deity (except for a pro forma “year of our Lord” date) and that its very first amendment forbids Congress from making laws that would infringe of the free exercise of religion—attests to the founders’ ...
Here's Everything 'The Passion of The Christ' Got Completely Wrong About Jesus The Least Accurate Movies About Historical Figures What 'The Apprentice' Gets Right (And Wrong) About The True Story 'Forrest Gump' Has Some Surprisingly Accurate Details Unbelievable Scenes From H...