Money well spent for such vast information with so many references to prove the fact that God's word is true and scientific discoveries over the past 50 years prove it. If you have a scientific mind and want facts to back up your knowledge of God's word then get this and enjoy Andy ...
How is a person to respond to these facts? Is everyone automatically exempt from the wages of sin because of what Jesus did? No. As in the beginning when God created man, he gave mankind a will. God never forces people to love Him and have a relationship with him. God has given mank...
Here are the facts about those Ten great Laws written by God Himself and the real truth about that most controversial fourth Commandment the Seventh day Sabbath. It is only five A4 pages so what have you got to lose? But before continuing, it would be highly beneficial to read mark of ...
We got to where we are today by developing the best software we can and facing the facts when competitors give us a run for our money. When the competition heats up, we hit the lab. We build, we test, we improve. Being one of the best at this has allowed us to become highly ...
Regardless of what the Bible originally stated with the very Words of God spoken to mankind -- regardless of what the original disciples and followers of Jesus stated was true -- regardless of the facts that the historical evidence overwhelmingly reveals -- regardless of what those who have ...
Jesus’ General Jews Sans Frontieres Jim Lobe John Pilger Juan Cole Lancaster Unity Landsker Larisa Alexandrovna Le Monde diplomatique Leave them kids alone left i on the news Left of Centrist Leftwing Criminologist Lenin’s Tomb Liberal Conspiracy luna17 Machetera Madam Miaow Malalai Joya Manchester...
9. I’m a critical thinker able to change my mind as new facts emerge about a subject. 10. I have a good sense of humor (even if it’s dry and people often think I’m dour when they don’t know me well. Actually, I kind of like that because then they’re surprised when they...
Christ the Redeemer is a statue of Jesus Christ, in the art deco style, with his arms open symbolising peace, and is located on Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the statue’s Portuguese name is ‘Cristo Redentor’. Christ the Redeemer is believed to be the largest art ...
The facts are these: Both those who maintain the Ten Commandments, God's law, are immutable and still binding upon Christians today, and those who assert this law was nailed to the cross, can quote much Scripture in an effort to prove their different contentions. Why this apparent contradicti...
Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs. People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused. ...