Lilith's blood, exhibits all the qualities of normal vampire blood, in addition to being an extremely potent hallucinogen. Vampires who consume her blood exhibit behavior typical of vampires in nests, as well as a greatly increased appetite and vivid hallucinations of Lilith herself. Most disturbing...
"The blood is sacred." ―Godric[src] Vampire Blood, also known as V, is the highly addictive blood of vampires on the HBO original series True Blood. Different from human blood, vampire blood is what gives vampires their various abilities and is their li
a bounded and controlled entity and identity because he is the only one of his species and, as such, has no other options but to adapt to society itself, in the contemporary rereading of the vampire offered by The Southern Vampire Mysteries and True Blood, the vampire epitomizes the dialogu...
Like all Faeries, Sookie emits a delicious aroma that only vampires can smell, making her very attractive to them.("Mine")Her blood has no identifiable blood type, and also gives vampires the temporary ability to day walk("Hitting the Ground")and to cross intoFae dimensions.("Everything Is...
Y'all have Tru Blood. => 你们都有Tru血。 For real. => 真的。 You get vamps in here? I didn't even think we had any in Louisiana. => 你在这里得到vamps?我甚至没想到我们在路易斯安那有什么。 You didn't know that New Orleans is a Mecca for the vampire? Seriously? I mean, New ...
Glamouring is similar to hypnosis, and while all vampires have this power, it needs to be taught as it does not appear to come naturally. Furthermore, vampires can influence the minds of many humanoid species, including humans, shapeshifters and weres. On the HBO original series True Blood...
(CNN) -- As "True Blood" has developed over the past five seasons, the series has expanded from the story of the people -- and vampires -- living in the small town of Bon Temps, Louisiana, to a sprawling, multinarrative saga about how supernatural beings can exist in the modern world...
True Blood Wiki is a community site all about the HBO series True Blood, including episodes, books, dvd, characters and more!
New Blood is the name given to the synthesized version of the Hepatitis V antidote found on the HBO original series True Blood. An antidote originally ingested by Sarah Newlin, mistress of the now deceased Governor Truman Burrell, and ex-wife of Fellowsh
One drop of blood is all it took for me 我只尝了一滴那血 to turn my back on my family and against the world. 就抛弃了家人去和整个世界作对 He drank the whole fucking thing. 他把那鬼东西全喝了 If Lilith is walking the Earth in any form, ...