"The blood is sacred." ―Godric[src] Vampire Blood, also known as V, is the highly addictive blood of vampires on the HBO original series True Blood. Different from human blood, vampire blood is what gives vampires their various abilities and is their li
France and Wales, Brazil and South Africa, to the hills of Kentucky and the streets of Los Angeles.The history of the vampire mythos is traced from Jesus Christ urging his followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood, to the legendary exploits of Vlad the...
True Blood is based on The Southern Vampire Mysteries series of novels by Charlaine Harris, detailing the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps, a fictional, small town in the state of Louisiana.
"True Blood"is going to make a killer mistake if anyone messes with Jason Stackhouse's (Ryan Kwanten) mortality.That's our human humble opinion, anyway. For weeks we've been speculating about how Sookie's (Anna Paquin) brother ends up in a grave with Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll), with ...
True Blood Wiki is a community site all about the HBO series True Blood, including episodes, books, dvd, characters and more!
TrueBloodS03E04 《真爱如血》第三季第四集 Don'ttakeitpersonally. 别太放在心上 Thewereyouwerefightinghadvampirebloodinhim. 那些狼人可都是喝过吸血鬼的血 Bill'sinfactsoIknowit'sstrong. 他们喝的就是比尔的血当然很强 WerewolvesdoingV? 狼人喝吸血鬼的血 ...
种族:吸血鬼(Vampire)提示:本季的常规角色。密西西比州的吸血鬼之王,是个同性恋,男朋友叫做Talbot。本季不同派系(王室家族)的吸血鬼之间将发生政治冲突,吸血鬼女王Sophie-Anne也将回归。 reasonlee415 酒神献祭 6 Coot(Grant Bowler扮演)种族:狼人提示:一个摩托车黑帮老大,帮中有不少狼人同伙。他将折磨吸血鬼...
Shit!Weneedvampireblood. 该死我们需要吸血鬼血 Puthimdown.Puthimdown. 放下他放下他 Checkforapulse. 摸下脉搏 Gethislegs. 你来抬脚 Barely. 很微弱 911.I'llcall911. 911我去打911 Mybrother'sunconscious.Hebangedhishead. 我哥哥昏迷不醒他撞到了头 ...
什么 Listen to what you're saying. 听听你都在说些什么 I have thousand-year-old vampire blood in me. 我体内流着千年吸血鬼的血液 Now, take off your fucking clothes! 所以他妈的脱掉你的衣服 Now put this on. 现在穿上这个 Get down here. 快下来 We're waiting for you. ...