1. 打开Python解释器; 2. 输入以下代码: ```python import trt_pose print(trt_pose.__version__) ``` 3. 运行代码后,将显示已安装的trt_pose的版本号。 如果未安装trt_pose,可以使用pip或conda等包管理器来安装,例如在终端或命令提示符下运行以下命令来安装trt_pose模块: ``` pip install trt_pose `...
%cd /home/aistudio/work/human !python infer.py /home/aistudio/tmp/10p.jpeg 推理结果图片: 模型手动转TensorRT并C++实现推理 导出权重文件trt_pose.wts In [3] from work.human.trt_pose_model import get_model import paddle import struct input = paddle.ones((1, 3, 224, 224)) model = ge...
#encoding: utf-8#module trt_pose.plugins#from /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/trt_pose-0.0.1-py3.6-linux-x86_64.egg/trt_pose/plugins.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so#by generator 1.147#no doc#no imports#functionsdefassignment(arg0, *args, **kwargs):#real signature unknown; NOTE...
gitclonehttps://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/trt_posecdtrt_posesudopython3setup.pyinstall We provide a couple of human pose estimation models pre-trained on the MSCOCO dataset. The throughput in FPS is shown for each platform ModelJetson NanoJetson XavierWeights ...
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/trt_pose-0.0.1-py3.6-linux-aarch64.egg/trt_pose/init.py in ---> 1 import torch ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/init.py in 187 # See Note [Global dependencies] 188 if USE_GLOBAL_DEPS: -...
- Install dependecies - pyautogui - python3 -m pip install pyautogui - On jetson install it from the source - Open and follow the cursor_control_live_demo.ipynb notebook. - This will allow you to control your mouse cursor on your desktop. It uses the hand gesture classification. When...
python3 gen_wts.py -w weights/Yolov5s6_pose_640.pt# 生成 weights/Yolov5s6_pose_640.wts文件。注意在该docker内没有torch环境,要么在本地把pt文件转为wts,要么docker内使用 apt-get update & apt install -y git python-dev python3 python3-pip python3.8-dev cmake g++ build-essential libglib2.0...
c1. python3 onnx_to_trt_1batch.py.如果你每次只需要处理一张图,比如你只有一个摄像头,执行这个脚本需要python 3.x,你会得到一个名为yolov3-608.trt的文件,也就是我们最终需要的文件。c2. python3 onnx_to_trt_multibatch.py.如果你每次需要处理多张图片,比如你有多个摄像头。执行这个脚本也需要python ...
关键点检测预训练模型,进一步进行自定义数据集训练,获取最佳射击点 使用c语言,win32 api编译的鼠标控制程序 3. 模型训练: 将自定义数据集放入dataset目录下,根据 ultralytics 官方文档进行训练 ultralytics 官方文档 4. 使用方法: 下载本项目 安装依赖 pip install -r requirements.txt 运行main.py python main....
Building trtpose in x86_64 A100-SXM4-40GB TensorRT 2 232 2024 年7 月 2 日 Problems in optimizing the resnet18 model Jetson Nano jetson-inference 4 12 2024 年11 月 7 日 TensorRT get different result in python and c++ TensorRT 21 2814 2022 年8 月 24 日 Cannot Convert Cu...