罗伯特刚进入公司的时候,公司正经历着一个大转变。它正筹备着兴建一个巨型购物广场,旗下品牌有Incredible Universe、Famous Brand Electronics和 Computer City。实际上,这些品牌的主营内容跟RadioShack差之千里。 Incredible Universe主要经营着室内餐厅、卡拉OK、大屏电视机以及家用电器。新的产业链带动了销售的大幅增长,至...
42年前的今天,世界上最早批量生产和批量销售的家用零售电脑之一——TRS-80 Micro Computer System(TRS-80)台式微型计算机推出,销量一度是苹果的五倍! 在20世纪70年代中期,Tandy公司的RadioShack分部是一家成功的美国连锁店,拥有3000多家电子产品商店。在购买了MITS Altair kit电脑的Tandy员工中,有一位是采购员Don Fr...
罗伯特刚进入公司的时候,公司正经历着一个大转变。它正筹备着兴建一个巨型购物广场,旗下品牌有Incredible Universe、Famous Brand Electronics和 Computer City。实际上,这些品牌的主营内容跟RadioShack差之千里。 Incredible Universe主要经营着室内餐厅、卡拉OK、大屏电视机以及家用电器。新的产业链带动了销售的大幅增长,至...
4K, Level I “Starter” System (26-1051): Our lowest-priced Model I TRS-80 computer contains 4K bytes (4096 characters) of RAM (Random Access Memory). RAM is internal memory space accessible to the user for program and data storage. This system is programmed in “Level I BASIC”, an ...
TRS-80 Color Computer,后来作为坦迪彩色计算机销售,有时绰号CoCo,是由坦迪公司开发和销售的一系列家用计算机。尽管与早期的TRS-80共享一个名称,但彩色计算机是一个完全不同的,不兼容的系统,并且在设计和兼容性上与其摩托罗拉6809E处理器的兼容性完全不同,而不是围绕其早期型号构建的Zilog Z80。Tand...
Level I is stored in 4K of Read-Only Memory so it’s ready to use the instant you turn on your TRS-80 computer. Model III BASIC: Get more features, accuracy and computing power with our Model III BASlC In 14K ROM. Execution time is 30% faster than Level I’s and it adds features...
The TRS-80 Micro Computer System (renamed the Model I) is a desktop microcomputer launched in 1977 and sold by Tandy Corporation. It is one of the earliest mass-produced and mass-marketed retail home computers. It spawned a whole series of later models that used the TRS-80 name even thoug...
除了注重商用的 TRS-80 Model I 系列和面向中小企业的 Model II 系列外,还有面向家庭的 CC(Color Computer)系列、超便携的口袋计算机 PC(Pocket Computer)系列、应对 Sinclair 这样的竞争对手的低端 MC 系列、后期的兼容 IBM PC 的 PC 兼容机系列以及今天我们要介绍的便携电脑 Model 100 系列。
The TRS-80 Color Computer was a fascinating implementation of the 6809 computer chip, and was, from the Color Computer 1 through 3, possibly the longest-running of the old-school personal computers.
Trammel Hudsonupgraded a TRS-80 Model 100computer with modern hardware. The TRS-80 Model 100 was introduced in 1983 and was one of the first notebook-style computers. It features an 8-bit processor and 32k of RAM. Trammel Hudson came across one of these and while it’s motherboard had ...