TRS-80微型计算机系统,名称是“Tandy / RadioShack-Z80”的缩写,Model I是系列产品的第一个型号,由美国坦迪/睿侠公司1977年8月生产。睿侠(RadioShack)是坦迪(Tandy)公司旗下的零售商,当时有超过3000家遍及美国的电子产品消费连锁店。TRS-80机是最早大规模生产和销售的家用电脑之一,采用Zilog Z80处理器(而不是当时...
TRS-80微型计算机系统,名称是“Tandy / RadioShack-Z80”的缩写,Model I是系列产品的第一个型号,由美国坦迪/睿侠公司1977年8月生产。睿侠(RadioShack)是坦迪(Tandy)公司旗下的零售商,当时有超过3000家遍及美国的电子产品消费连锁店。TRS-80机是最早大规模生产和销售的家用电脑之一,采用Zilog Z80处理器(而不是当时...
Not many years ago, a computer with the power of the TRS-80 would have cost over a million dollars. The equipment would have filled large rooms. The advancing technology of integrated circuits led to the microprocessor – literally a “computer on a chip.” This, in turn, drastically reduce...
TRS-80 Repairs: People who can repair Opening a TRS-80 Using an EPROM in a TRS-80 Prior Troubleshooting Q&A Repair Videos: Model I Model III/4 PC-1 Replacement Parts: Model I Model III Model 4/4P Pocket Computer Cassette Floppy Drive ...
作为当时和 Apple、Commodore 齐名的电脑三雄之一,TRS-80 产品线异常丰富。除了注重商用的 TRS-80 Model I 系列和面向中小企业的 Model II 系列外,还有面向家庭的 CC(Color Computer)系列、超便携的口袋计算机 PC(Pocket Computer)系列、应对 Sinclair 这样的竞争对手的低端 MC 系列、后期的兼容 IBM PC 的 PC 兼...
Support Exatron Stringy Floppy for TRS-80 Model I Select and execute CMD files directly in the Emulator Save screenshot of the Emulator window as BMP file Show Z80 registers in the window title bar Adjust speed of Z80 CPU on the fly ...
Tandy announced the TRS-80 Color Computer on July 31, 1980. The initial model (catalog number 26-3001) shipped with 4K of Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and an 8k Microsoft BASIC interpreter in ROM. Its price was $399. Within a few months, Radio Sha
The programs described below are enabling programs that permit the linking of a Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 (Model I) microcomputer to a main-frame computer via the RS-232-C serial interface board, associated port, and telephone modem or acoustic coupler. The programs allow the transmitted and ...
barrettotte/TRS80-Twilio Star5 Sending a text message from a TRS-80 Model 100 using the Twilio SMS API and an ESP8266. arduinoesp8266twilioplatformiotwilio-sms-apitrs80trs-80 UpdatedMay 30, 2021 C++ Rusty CoCo - TRS-80 Color Computer emulator written in Rust ...
Star1 Code Issues Pull requests Another ESP8266 Wifi Modem for Retro Computer Aka Tandy Color Compuer retrococomodemtandytrs80dragon32 UpdatedApr 19, 2023 C++ Simple z80 based Etch-a-Sketch type game for the TRS-80 Model I assemblyz80assembly-languageassembly-language-programmingtrs80trs-80 ...