Species names were checked for orthography and standardized (synonyms identified from the reference databases corrected to their accepted names) using the African Flowering Plants Database (https://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/bd/cjb/africa), Taxonomic Name Resolution Service65, and Asian Plant Synonym ...
Intact tropical forests are a key component of the Earth system, storing and sequestering large amounts of carbon1. Climate-driven changes to the capacity of tropical forests to sequester and store carbon as biomass could thus have important consequences for the evolution of climate change itself. ...
A tropical nursery produces quality plants by providing a favorable environment and meeting the plants’ needs. Nursery propagation structures are designed to mitigate the factors that limit plant growth on a given nursery site. The ideal types of nursery structures are determined by site characteristic...
focusing on just one or two action types or NCS pathways or in single countries or regions. Thus, there is a need for a comprehensive characterization of the evidence base covering interventions relevant for the full range of NCS pathways and their links with land-use and land-...
plants(Wingetal.,1995),mammals(ClydeandGingerich,1998),marinebivalves(Biceetal., 1996),andforaminifera(Kellyetal.,1988;Pak&Miller,1992).Bycomparision,relativelylittle isknownconcerningPaleogenelimnicorganismsingeneral,andsiliceousochrophyte algae in ...
endemism (i.e. species unique to Colombia or Ecuador) and regional endemism (i.e. species restricted to southern Colombia and northern Ecuador). As a result, we included an additional term (column) in the data tables for plants and terrestrial vertebrates, “Distribution”, that determined the...
UK Research and Innovation, London, UK James Taplin Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore David Taylor Institute of Forestry and Conservation, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Sean C. Thomas Biodiversity Foundation for Africa, East Dean, UK Jonat...
. Specifically, we assessed the influence of (1) plant structure (for example, seagrass canopy height and above- and belowground seagrass biomass), (2) nutrients in plants (that is, nitrogen and carbon in leaves or in the root–rhizome complex), (3) sediment properties (that is, sediment ...
but each is commonly limited to one or a small number of taxonomic groups such as plants17, mammals18, birds19or ants20, which creates two challenges. First, responses to forest degradation are often taxon-specific21,22, although there are some landscape-level thresholds in community responses ...
The methodology used in this study is based on the evaluation of five hydrological models to represent the daily streamflow regimes in six hydropower plants located in the Tocantins river basin (Figure 1). Four lumped rainfall-runoff models (GR4J, HBV, HYMOD, and SMAP) and one semi-distribute...