El Arish Tropical Exotics Tropical Plant Nursery sells online mailorder Tropical Plants including heliconias, gingers, bamboo, cordylines, groundcovers, brugmansia, tropical fruit trees, medinliia, tapeinochilos and more
All plantations had been established as monocultures, but had been colonised by a range of native woody plants from the nearby rainforest. The extent to which this had occurred varied with the identity of the plantation species (from 2 to 17 species in 0.1 ha blocks). In many cases these...
the Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII), estimates how the average abundance of the native terrestrial species in a region compares with their abundances in the absence of pronounced human impacts. We produced
Tropical peat swamp forests (TPSF) are globally significant carbon stores, sequestering carbon mainly as phenolic polymers and phenolic compounds (particularly as lignin and its derivatives) in peat layers, in plants, and in the acidic blackwaters. Previous studies show that TPSF plants have particu...
“Entellan New,” which allowed for microscopic inspection (×40) and 3D rotation before drying. The average count per slide was 238 phytoliths. The inferential baseline was grounded on East African phytoliths from plants and soils68,69. Preservation was adequate for morphometric analysis and ...
plants. Sci Hortic 32:221–232 Article Google Scholar Allemullah M, Ram S (1990) Causes of low fruit set and heavy fruit drop in Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Indian J Hortic 47(3):270–277 Google Scholar Aluja M (1993) Manejo Integrado de la Mosca de la Fruta. ...
(llipta), e.g. ashes of burnt seashells, limestone, or plants but also soda bicarbonate, is added to enhance the effect though it is still unclear if this improves the flavour, promotes salivation, or releases alkaloids [39]. The ‘chewing’ then consists of sucking the copious saliva ...
the soil of all pots was individually corrected in order to increase base saturation to 70% and the phosphorus to 30 ppm46. Then, all pots were managed under the same cutting and watering regimes by 6 months in order to provide to the plants the condition of an established pasture. Five ...
‘viral forest’ in light of its concentrations of transmissible diseases that plague settlement (Zerner2003). It was not until the arrival of domesticated plants that food production could take hold in these environments even though foragers colonised them effectively from at least the Pleistocene (...
variation in insect abundance and that there may be some resilience among leaf litter insects to cope with higher temperatures. However, future responses by plants to increased climatic variability and higher CO2concentrations may alter litter fall dynamics and thus temporal patterns in litter insect ...