My wife and I are ecstatic with two kids. We both have 1 sister, so living in a family of four is what we are used to. Four people can comfortably sit in a car or take up a four-seat row on an airplane. There are also four sides to a common table, which makes dining out eas...
3 trophy husband 花瓶丈夫 我们知道 trophy 是奖杯,形容人的时候表示装点门面、装样子的,trophy wife/husband 花瓶般的妻子/丈夫,也可以翻译为"小白脸"。 类似的还有token,《疯狂动物城》里Judy说 I'm not just some token bunny. 我可不是只吉祥物。 4 jump in the shower 冲个澡 如果是短时间内快速地...
这句话解释了 Trophy Wife 这个词的含义,即这是一个用来形容通常年轻迷人、被视为丈夫(往往年长富有)身份象征的妻子的非正式术语。 总的来说,Trophy Wife 这个词在不同的语境中可能会有细微的差别,但总体上都强调妻子年轻漂亮,更多地被当作丈夫的一种外在形象展示,而非基于内在品质或能力等方面的考量。 本文仅...
花瓶/陪衬/下嫁 也有trophy husband的,比如乔治克鲁尼。他老婆Amal Clooney是很成功的职业精英 英国报姐...
@翻译专家trophy husband翻译 翻译专家 “trophy husband”的中文翻译是“奖杯老公”或“炫耀的丈夫”,通常指一个妻子眼中非常优秀、值得炫耀的丈夫,类似于“trophy wife”(奖杯妻子)的概念。
在英语里trophy wife表达的意思和中文几乎完全一样。trophy wife不一定都是仅仅是台面上做做花瓶的摆设,她也可能家庭背景显赫,与配偶门当户对,只是在公开露面时需要扮演好传统的贤妻良母角色。以维护丈夫成功男士的形象。当然,任何一个能够吸引如此美丽、有教养的年轻女性的男人,都必须拥有巨大的权力和影响力。tro...
男人要是找了一个trophy wife,比女人找了一个trophy husband,那得意和骄傲的眼神更藏不住。 广义的爱情里,这种眼神可能也算是爱
Belatedly, a hint of a plot emerges, involving the arrival of multiple disruptive figures from Massimo’s past, who stoke Laura’s lingering dissatisfaction with being a mobster’s trophy wife. FromLos Angeles Times A trophy wife who spends her days sitting on a shelf for her husband to admi...
trophy husband / wife:指花瓶式的配偶,对于男人来说,可能是多金大款用来让女人带出去炫耀;对于女人来说,也可能是性感无脑尤物,让男人带出去显摆。大多数美国男青年不希望成为女友的trohpy boyfriend就对了。 û收藏 转发 3 ñ10 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在...
Linda’s ex-husband went out and got himself a trophy wife as soon as he made big money. He wanted to show her off at parties, and she just wanted his money and his big house!(Linda前夫刚一有了钱,就跑出去找了一个小蜜。他只是想带她到派对中炫耀,二她只是看中他的大别墅和钱。) 在...