as an active and diverse flowing of speech in some situated time and place as a whole. InPoetic Intention(Callicoon NY: Nightboat Books, 2020), 98, Édouard Glissant writes: “Yet at the beginning everything was the Verb, which made itself flesh. And before all flesh was the ‘primord...
But then, of course, if we were to take these accounts exclusively in some such way, the speaker’s rejection of each of them as logically “absurd” would have to seem hyperbolic (or just plain false, if not altogether unmeaning) with respect to the remainder of the poem. This is the...
Massachusetts), the Gosple [sic] message of Jesus is written in ‘plain sight’ in the stars, and is a message that has been obscured by Satan, who ‘offered astrology to replace the true meaning of the stars’. Fitch, like a whimsical sailor, is more concerned with ...
The key here is not that your book can’t be sad. Nicholas Sparks has built an empire on tear-jerking, emotionally poignant novels. But the love stories themselves are satisfying. Love wins in these books, even if the characters die. Here are some questions to consider if you want to wr...
The word itself derives from the Latin term “tropus,” which pretty much means “a figure of speech” or “a turn.” There’s also the Greek word “tropos,” meaning “a turn, direction, or way.” So, basically, “trope” in any language has always held the same, or at least sim...
as a replacement or substitution, as putting one thing in the place ofanother: You're a chicken/ a turkey/ acting like a pig/ howling like a wolf.He's a good egg/ a brick/ an angel/ pond scum.The British comedian Terry Thomas used to say "Hard Cheese, old chap" meaning toughluck...
” Lesley Jones says. “Again, this comes back to believability, the conventions we expect in fantasy today are snippets of history from yesterday. These medieval worlds and realities are glimpses of what we learned about in school. This base helps immerse us in a foundation of somethingreal....
On this episode of the New Books Network,Dr. Lee Pierce(s/t) Drs.Jane SuttonandMari Lee Mifsudabout how our classical conceptions of stylistic language may be more open opening to otherness than stabilizing meaning. A Revolution in Tropesis a groundbreaking study of rhetoric and tropes. Theori...
nature shows and he reveals he's the mastermind behind the future end of the world. Sure, the rest of the club is also very attractive and they are all good, but he is the personification of the "Bishonen” archetype in Anime, meaning that he is the most attractive person in the ...
aside and drink sake, and there is always a fireworks show at the very end. It's a familiar scene to the Japanese and Japan lovers alike. This place is so much more than just a popular party destination, however. Every piece of the Shinto shrine has a specific spiritual meaning and ...