I got the idea that before we erase it away, we should do some research on the motto’s origins and meaning. I found out the motto was probably coined in the 1800s when Plovers were mercilessly blown out of the sky to near extinction. Piles of Plovers would be left in fields and alo...
I wanted to do a tattoo of a man drowning in a pristine lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains, and a bear throwing a salmon at him. The Tatoo has deep meaning—I’ll give you a hint: the salmon throwing bear symbolizes the futility of being a Good Samaritan. It’s dark, but ...
This order was traditionally given to prisoners before being executed, meaning Yami had gone past saying "I'm going to kick your ass" and issued a death sentence to Haga, which he then proceeded to carry out with brutal efficiency. In full swing for Judai by Season 4 of Yu-Gi-Oh GX—...
原始印歐語根詞,意爲“轉動”。 它構成或部分構成以下單詞:apotropaic;atropine;Atropos;contrive;entropy;heliotrope;isotropic;psychotropicretrievetrope-tropetroubadour 它是假設的源頭,其存在的證據由以下單詞提供:梵語
(like a figure of speech) for artistic effect. Today, the wordtropeoften signals a common or overused literary device. The wordtrope(pronounced “trohp”) comes from the Greek wordtropos, meaning a turn or change of direction—a trope, in the original sense of the word, is a turning of...
Ike of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn has a fondness for meat — this does come up a few times in the games, but the way fanartists (especially JPN ones) depict him constantly eating caveman-style slabs of it would make you think it was the meaning of his existence. ...
goes all kinds of wrong for various reasons, but as all hope seems lost, he gets stabbed by someone he can't see - meaning a Shinigami. Lo and behold, it's Rukia, and in nearly the exact same manner as he gained his powers in the very first chapter, Ichigo's back. Thename of...
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to turn." It forms all or part of:apotropaic;atropine;Atropos;contrive;entropy;heliotrope;isotropic;psychotropic;retrieve;trope;-trope;trophy;tropic;tropical;tropism;troposphere;troubadour;zoetrope. It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided...
(like a figure of speech) for artistic effect. Today, the wordtropeoften signals a common or overused literary device. The wordtrope(pronounced “trohp”) comes from the Greek wordtropos, meaning a turn or change of direction—a trope, in the original sense of the word, is a turning of...
Meaning you can kill the son of a bitch without even giving him a chance to breathe. Reading their dossiers reveals that pretty much anyone who is anyone in the game follows this. Both Marburg, Sis and Heck have specific paragraphs outlining they're not above fighting dirty. The Computer ...