Temporal ResolutionDaily, Monthly Reference Coordinate SystemWGS 84 (EPSG 4326) Explore in Web Version Description Precipitation (Precip): The daily average precipitation product is generated based on the 3-hourly multi-satellite precipitation TMPA (3B42) dataset, with a 24-hour summation of data wit...
ee.ImageCollection("TRMM/3B42") Resolution 27830 meters Bands Table 使用说明: This dataset is in the public domain and is available without restriction on use and distribution. SeeNASA's Earth Science Data & Information Policyfor additional information. 引用: Adler, R.F., G.J. Huffman, A. ...
(TRMM)data provide a possible solution.After precision analysis of monthly 0.25 degree resolution TRMM 3B43 data from 1998 to 2012,we find that the correlations between TRMM 3B43 estimates and rain gauge precipitation are significant overall and in each station around the Hexi Corridor; however,the...
2)of TRMM data and meteorological station data in year(0.630),season(0.710〜0.865)and month(0.637〜0.875)all showed that the TRMM data had 收稿日期:2021-02-05修回日期:2021-04-25 资助项目:国家自然科学基金项目“球面空间下的矢量要素与DEM的同步综合方法研究”(42061059);广西自然科学...
Resolution 27830 meters Bands Table Name Description Min Max Units precipitation Merged microwave/IR precipitation estimate 0 100 mm/hr relativeError Merged microwave/IR precipitation random error estimate 0 100 mm/hr satPrecipitationSource Flag to show source of data satPrecipitationSource Bitmask Bits ...
New rain map: Lowest clutter-free level at a scal of 0.01° (Cesium Ver., Misc.)New Window February 22, 2022 Gallery: Statistics broken down by time and monthly data and more.. Spaceborne radar-based precipitation climatology Ultra-high-resolution TRMM PR Precipitation Database Version 1...
TRMM Data Gaps Transition from TMPA to IMERG 热带降水测量任务(TRMM)是美国航天局和日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)的一项联合任务,旨在监测和研究热带降水。34B2产品包含一个网格化的、经TRMM调整的、合并的红外降水(毫米/小时)和降水误差的有效值估计,时间分辨率为3小时,空间分辨率为0.25度。
Resolution 27830 meters Bands Table * = Values are estimated 使用说明: This dataset is in the public domain and is available without restriction on use and distribution. SeeNASA's Earth Science Data & Information Policyfor additional information. ...
Resolution 27830 meters Bands Table 使用说明: This dataset is in the public domain and is available without restriction on use and distribution. See NASA's Earth Science Data & Information Policy for additional information.
To meet the demand of various industries for high - resolution and high - precision precipitation data, this study establishes the downscaling models of th... FAN Tianyi,ZHANG Xiang,HUANG Bing,... - 《Remote Sensing for Natural Resources》 被引量: 0发表: 2021年 遥感降雨产品及其在极端降雨事件...