RAINFALL IN AN EXPERIMENTAL WATERSHED: A COMPARISION BETWEEN OBSERVED AND TRMM 3B42V7 DATASETrainfallyearly datamonthly dataexperimental watershedTRMM dataIn 2003, a network for hydrology of the semiarid region (REHISA in Portuguese) was created in Brazil. Since then, experimental watersheds in this...
NASA_TRMM_MERGE_YYYYMMDDTOYYYYMMDD_L3B_GLOBAL_25KM_Precip_v7 Related Website This dataset is available for open download and use at the National Earth System Science Data Center(http://www.geodata.cn/) Reference All content of this product is sourced from the National Aeronautics and Space Ad...
Cloud Studio代码运行 vardataset=ee.ImageCollection('TRMM/3B43V7').filter(ee.Filter.date('2018-04-01','2018-05-01'));varprecipitation=dataset.select('precipitation');varprecipitationVis={min:0.1,max:1.2,palette:['blue','purple','cyan','green','yellow','red'],};Map.setCenter(6.746,46.52...
Google Earth Engine——TRMM/3B43在每个日历月执行一次,通过将3小时合并的高质量/红外估计值(3B42)与每月累积的全球降水气候学中心(GPCC)雨量计分析相结合降水预测 This collection is no longer being updated. SeeIMERG monthly This dataset algorithmically merges microwave data from multiple satellites, incl...
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42–V7 dataset was obtained from Giovanni Earth Data website. In this study, satellite estimates were carried out at regular resolution to balance the time resolution of the data from the ground rain gauge., at daily interval with 0.25° × 0.25...
Google Earth Engine——TRMM/3B43在每个日历月执行一次,通过将3小时合并的高质量/红外估计值(3B42)与每月累积的全球降水气候学中心(GPCC)雨量计分析相结合降水预测,Thiscollectionisnolongerbeingupdated.SeeIMERGmonthlyThisdatasetalgo
3B42和3B43的空间分辨率为0.25 ° ,1998年至今覆盖北纬50 ° 至南纬50 °。 本文中用到的数据主要为TRMM-3B43月平均产品,用于绘制降水的气候态空间分布图 TRMM-3B43产品如下所示: 空间分辨率:0.25° 时间覆盖范围:1999.01 - 2020.01 经纬度范围: 经度:0-360°,纬度:-50°S-50°N...
But until now, there are only few studies38,39 employing TRMM 3B42 data over the YRD area, the application of 3B43 dataset is rare too, not even to mention evaluating it and detecting impacts of topography and land use on it. So the objective of this paper is providing scientific ...
relationship among altitude of cloud top and rain top with surface rain rate for a summer hot convective precipitation system were brought forth together with analyzing of long time dataset of the TRMM precipitation radar on precipitation climatology in Asia.At last,the prospect of the satellite ...