when my .editorconfig contains trim_trailing_whitespace = true for a give file type any trailing white space is stripped on save from the appropriate files. Actual: Other .editorconfig options run on save (e.g. append insert_final_newline) but trailing whitespace remains.Vis...
TrimTrailingWhiteSpace 构造函数 属性 UpdateIndentationCharacterOption UseReducedOpacityForHighContrastOption UseVirtualSpace UseVisibleWhitespace UseVisibleWhitespaceEnabledTypes UseVisibleWhitespaceOnlyForSelection VerticalScrollBarEnabled ViewOptionDefinition<T> ...
Following up on #455, I would like to use pre-commit to enforce that trailing whitespace is trimmed and that all files have consistent line endings. Describe the solution you'd like Use hooks provided by https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks. Describe alternatives you've considered...
trim_trailing_whitespace= false Actual behavior trim_trailing_whitespace= true Additional comments or steps to reproduce When I add 2 spaces to the end of a line to create a markdown line break and then save the file, the trailing spaces are removed. ...
insert_final_newline = true trim_trailing_whitespace = true Example project attached. Visual Studio In order to investigate your issue further, can you help to confirm several questions? Please feel free to let us know if you have any doubt. We look forward to hearing from you!
whitespace single string; specifies the set of Unicode code points for removal, see ‘Character Classes’ inabout_search_regexfor more details Details¶ Not to be confused withstrtrim. Value¶ Returns a character vector (in UTF-8).
您好老师,.editorconfig的trim_trailing_whitespace没起作用?qq_OranGe君_0 2017-03-14 11:35:15 源自:2-4 有用的文件2(.editorconfig、gitignore) 1884 分享 收起 1回答 提问者 qq_OranGe君_0 2017-03-14 11:55:59 现在发现没什么问题,是webstorm有些迟缓。 0 回复 ...
static char const WHITESPACE[] = " \t\n\r"; static void get_trim_bounds(char const *s, char const **firstWord, char const **trailingSpace) { char const *lastWord; *firstWord = lastWord = s + strspn(s, WHITESPACE); do { *trailingSpace = lastWord + strcspn(lastWord, ...
I'm writing a program that does a huge database import, and after profiling my code, I've found that my program spends over .25 of it's exec time trailing whitespace from each field it imports. I need a (clever) and fast way to remove trailing spaces, and insert a null where the...
Write a Java program to trim leading or trailing whitespace from a given string.Visual Presentation:Sample Solution:Java Code:// Define a public class named Exercise31. public class Exercise31 { // Define the main method. public static void main(String[] args) { // Declare and initialize a...