C++ 复制 public: virtual property Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::EditorOptionKey<bool> Key { Microsoft::VisualStudio::Text::Editor::EditorOptionKey<bool> get(); }; Property Value EditorOptionKey<Boolean> Applies to 产品版本 Visual Studio SDK 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 本文...
[*]end_of_line= lf# 行尾 UNIX 格式 LFcharset= utf-8# 文件编码字符集为 UTF-8trim_trailing_whitespace=true# 删除文件末尾空格insert_final_newline=true# 末尾插入新行indent_style= space# 以空格代替 tabindent_size=4# 代替 tab 的空格数量 Visual Studio 支持的特性VS官网链接,或editorconfig官网链接。
I’d like to use trim_trailing_whitespace = true but this does not currently seem to be supported by Visual Studio 2022. I have tested my .editorconfig file is being picked up, which its. Also when opening the .editorconfig with in Visual Studio and using the GUI i...
我是不需要 "editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation": true, // 移动光标时变得平滑 "editor.smoothScrolling": true, // 滚动平滑,不过效果很微弱 "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true, // 保存时,删除每一行末尾的空格 "files.insertFinalNewline": true, // 保存后文件最末尾加一整行空行,Linux下的习惯 "fil...
Added command to remove trailing whitespace version 1.6- November 29, 2014 Fixed logo/preview image dimensions Code cleanup version 1.5- September 3, 2014 Added support for Visual Studio 14 version 1.4 Added checks for whitespace on empty lines...
You can also use the Command Palette to remove the trailing spaces: Press: Ctrl+Shift+Pon Windows and Linux. Command+Shift+Pon macOS. Note: you can also pressF1to open the Command Palette. Typetrimand selectTrim Trailing Whitespace.
trim_trailing_whitespace insert_final_newline root 语言特定属性 所有Visual Studio 支持的语言(XML除外)均支持 EditorConfig 编辑器设置。 此外,EditorConfig 还支持适用于 C# 和 Visual Basic 的代码样式约定和命名约定。 也就是说,当你的项目中存在 EditorConfig 的配置文件 .editorconfig 的时候,Visual Studio 就会...
字元集 trim_trailing_whitespace insert_final_newline 根EditorConfig 支援所有 Visual Studio 支援語言的 EditorConfig 編輯器設定,除了 XML 以外。EditorConfig 也支援程式碼樣式慣例,包括 C# 和 Visual Basic 的語言、格式化和命名慣例。新增及移除 EditorConfig 檔案當您將 EditorConfig 檔案新增至專案或程式碼基底之後...
The editor in Visual Studio for Mac supports the core set of EditorConfig properties:indent_style indent_size tab_width end_of_line charset trim_trailing_whitespace insert_final_newline rootEditorConfig also supports Coding conventions in C#.
>People generall ask how to make it trim the trailing >whitespaces but I want it not to happen. It is >happening automatically.Are you referring to C++ source code files? Do you mean the editor is removing trailing whitespaces from files created in the editor when they are saved? If ...