We've a requirement to trigger an ADF pipeline that will read thousands of file from a ftp/sftp location to ADLS Gen 2 as soon as files are updated in the ftp location. Is there a way to achieve this using any Azure service? I found some details about this using a logic app for sa...
FunctionAppLogs GCPAuditLogs Heartbeat IdentityDirectoryEvents IdentityLogonEvents IdentityQueryEvents InsightsMetrics KubeEvents KubeMonAgentEvents KubeNodeInventory KubePodInventory KubeServices LAQueryLogs LASummaryLogs LogicAppWorkflowRuntime MNFDeviceUpdates ...
GitLab Interceptors contain logic to validate and filter requests that come from GitLab. Supported features include validating that a webhook actually came from GitLab, using the logic outlined in GitLabdocumentation, and to filter incoming events based on the event types. Event types can be found...
Azure Logic Apps. With these you can easily automate workflows without writing any code. You can find an example in the tipTransfer Files from SharePoint To Blob Storage with Azure Logic Apps. They are better suited though to process the contents of a file in its whole, and not ...
This is a cheat sheet for CRON expressions used in the time triggers for Azure functions. They define how often a trigger/the Azure function should be executed (daily, hourly, every 3 months, …). The basic format of the CRON expressions in Azure is: ...
Azure Data Factory orchestration allows conditional logic and enables users to take different paths based upon the outcome of a previous activity. It allows four conditional paths:Upon Success(default pass),Upon Failure,Upon Completion, andUpon Skip. ...
When triggering the Data Factory pipeline from Azure Functions or Logic Apps, you can use Managed Identity to authenticate without storing credentials - https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/data-factory/using-azure-managed-identities Implement logging within the webhook (Logic App or Function) for trac...
Do not using triggers at all. This hides business logic in your database and makes it much harder to test. The above code could just as easily be done in your app code and sent to the database without having to maintain and test a trigger. ...
We've a requirement to trigger an ADF pipeline that will read thousands of file from a ftp/sftp location to ADLS Gen 2 as soon as files are updated in the ftp location. Is there a way to achieve this using any Azure service? I found some details about this using a logic app for sa...
// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule' ADFTriggerRun | where Status != 'Running' and Status != 'Waiting' and Status != 'WaitingOnDependency' | where TriggerFailureType != 'UserError' | summarize availability = 100.00 - (100.00*countif(Status != 'Succeeded')...