Hi! I have HTTP connector with GET method, and I want to specify the start and end date in it. I want the date range to be last 7 days. Can someone help me? what kind of expression do I insert and where? + I'm still new to logic app :)...
Even if I see I have "Event Grid Contributor" role at Resource Group level, I cannot configure event grid trigger in my logic app workflow. After selecting an item from "Resource Type" combo, the "Subscription" is empty. If
Let's create a logic app that runs whenever a virtual machine change is detected. First, we'll create a blank logic app.In the resource menu, select Create a resource. The Create a resource pane appears. In the Create a resource menu, select Integration. Then in the resul...
Can i write Business Rules using Logic Apps? Can you disable a user in Azure AD using Logic Apps? Cannot parameterize logic app expression Choose API Connection dynamically in Logic App Concatenate multiple rows into 1 string Condition - empty/null array Configure Logic App 'Until Loop' timeout...
Static value Inprogress for TriggerRunStatus. static final TriggerRunStatus SUCCEEDED Static value Succeeded for TriggerRunStatus. Constructor Summary Tabel uitvouwen ConstructorDescription TriggerRunStatus() Deprecated Use the fromString(String name) factory method. Creates a new instance of Tri...
As part of the Functions deployment logic we call SyncTriggers endpoint. This makes sure that the Functions Runtime and the underlying infrastructure are up to date with the triggers in the Functions for this Function app. This thread is long and so I will summarize the symptoms people get ...
Logic App Refresh preview provides us with the option to create a built-in Service Bus trigger to receive messages from Service Bus queue. To improve the...
INSTEAD OF triggers can be defined on either tables or views; however, INSTEAD OF triggers are most useful for extending the types of updates a view can support. For example, INSTEAD OF triggers can provide the logic to modify multiple base tables through a view or to modify base tables ...
INSTEAD OF triggers can be defined on either tables or views; however, INSTEAD OF triggers are most useful for extending the types of updates a view can support. For example, INSTEAD OF triggers can provide the logic to modify multiple base tables through a view or to modify base tables ...
Built-In Service Bus Trigger: batched message processing and session handling Logic App Refresh preview provides us with the option to create a built-in