3. trigger event selection的作用和原理解析 trigger event selection是指STM32高级定时器在中心对齐模式下,通过配置特定的事件触发定时器计数器,起到控制和同步定时器操作的作用。它可以根据外部输入信号或内部事件来触发定时器的计数开始、停止或复位。 在STM32中,高级定时器具有多种寄存器和功能模块,其中包括一个主要...
1 The STM32 embeds multiple timers providing timing resources for software or hardware tasks. The software tasks mainly consist of providing time bases, timeout event generation and time-triggers. The hardware tasks are related to I/Os: the timers can generate waveforms on their outputs, measure...
TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM2, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);/* TIM2 TRGO selection */TIM_SelectOutputTrigger(TIM2, TIM_TRGOSource_Update);/* TIM2 enable counter */TIM_Cmd(TIM2, ENABLE); } 开发者ID:rpiskun,项目名称:codec2,代码行数:35,代码来源:stm32f4_adc.c 示例5: _TIM_Init ▲点赞 1▼ voi...
I have configured TIM1 without any output pins. I see that the CNT counter is updating but ADC is not working. Is it possible to trigger ADC from TIM1 without configuring external poins. How to trigger TIM1_CH1 event? Thanks, Labels: ADC STM32F4 Series TIM 0...
Difference Between selectionchanged and selectionchangecommitted? Difference between SendInput and mouse_event functions of user32.dll? Difference Between Single and Double Quotes Difference between StringWriter and StreamWriter in C#? Differences between List.Sort and List.OrderBy Different Assemblies, Namespa...
1 The STM32 embeds multiple timers providing timing resources for software or hardware tasks. The software tasks mainly consist of providing time bases, timeout event generation and time-triggers. The hardware tasks are related to I/Os: the timers can generate waveforms on their outputs, measure...