Tricky (Irregular) Past Tense Verbs quiz for 2nd grade students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!
It becomes more tricky in thepast tense. The past tense oflieis—you guessed it—lay: “Ilaydown earlier last night.” And the past tense oflayislaid: “Shelaidthe baby on the bed.” 4. Bring vs. Take Somebodybringssomething to you, but youtakeit to somewhere else: “Bringme the ...
Verbs have moods, just like genies do. And we all know you need to pay attention to someone’s mood if you want to get your wish. (“Can I have a cookie, Mom? Pleeease?” Oh, no, it’s not working! Time for the cute face.“I love you.”) Disney’s Aladdin shows us all ab...
The Linguapress troubleshooter - Some of the shortest and commonest words in English are also among the hardest to use