Predicate adjectives are a bit tricky because they involve linking verbs. Go ahead and read about them, but don't lose any sleep over memorizing this stuff right now. Predicate adjectives come after linking verbs and describe the subject of the sentence. I feel happy. Happy describes the sub...
He swiftlysolvedthe tricky puzzle, impressing everyone. (transitive) Transitive Verb Examples A transitive verb requires an object to receive the action. The object is almost always a noun or pronoun in the sentence and can answer the question “Whom?” or “What?”. ...
T o brai nwash means to mak e someon e accept new bel iefs by using repeat e d pressur e in a forcefu I or tricky way . Keep in min d that brainwas h is never us e d in a positiv e way .(1) Why di d Rooserelt success fully win th e e lection according to th e ...
However, there are some special cases where subject-verb agreement can be tricky. One such case is when the subject is separated from the verb by phrases or clauses. For instance, 'The book on the table, along with several others, is very interesting.' Here, the subject is 'book' which...
use them correctly in the simple past tense or to turn them into a past participle. Remember that some regular verbs use the-tvariant. There is no general rule that says which regular verbs will use the-tvariant, so you’ll just have to learn these tricky verbs as you come across them...
But subject-verb agreement is a tricky grammatical concept to master due to the number of exceptions, idioms, and special rules you must memorize. Below is an outline of some special rules that trip up student writers. Typically this type of agreement is restricted to the present tense, where...
While sentences with prepositions are used in both formal and informal writing, prepositions should not occur at the end of a sentence in formal writing. What Are the Preposition Rules? Prepositions and preposition phrases can be tricky to learn, but there are 3 fundamental rules you can ...
A.pitiful可怜的; B.independent 的: C. unique 特的; D. tricky 手的。 根据下文"with inversions of the basic subject-verb-object order”可知,基本的主语 — —动词— —宾语顺序颠倒,说明 句子的结构也很棘手。 故选D项。 15.B 解 :意:当我们说“John caught the ball"时,莎士比 可能会用"John...
There are always one or two tricky (棘手的)questions in exams so don't panic (恐慌) if there is a question you don't understand or can't find the answer to. •Is there a difficult question you can't answer? Leave it and come back at the end. •Don't waste a lot of time ...
English grammar can be tricky, especially when it comes to words that seem to break the rules. One such word that often leaves learners puzzled is "people." Is it singular, indicating a single individual, or plural, referring to a group? The answer, thankfully, is qu...