hamatum, T. harzianum, T. koningii and T. tomentosum were identified by ITS barcoding and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis from the rhizosphere, rhizoplane and bulk soil of potato (S. tuberosum L.) as well as onion (Allium cepa L.) in New Zealand, and similar ...
hamatum and T. lignorum cultures [99]. Gliotoxin and gliovirin are among the most significant secondary metabolites of Trichoderma related to the P and Q group strain, Plants 2020, 9, 762 8 of 25 respectively (Table 1). P group strains of Trichoderma (Gliocladium) ...
hamatum is reported to attack Rhizoctonia36 and has been used previously for biological control of fungal diseases37. The biofuel potential of a range of non-food cellulosic feedstock plants is well known5,6. However, a crucial fac- tor influencing the commercial development of such crops is ...
reesei, T. hamatum, T. harzianum and Bacillus subtilis TE3, to manage the spot blotch pathogen [51,52,53]. It is obvious that T. cf. asperellum showed an inhibitory effect against B. sorokiniana. Our results of the antifungal activity of T. cf. asperellum against B. sorokiniana agree ...
Mao T, Jiang X (2021) Changes in microbial community and enzyme activity in soil under continuous pepper cropping in response to Trichoderma hamatum MHT1134 application. Sci Rep 11:21585. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-00951-x Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Martinez Y...
three isolates ofT. hamatumfrom stems and berries; two isolates ofT. caeruloviridesp. nov. from berries; one isolate ofT. peterseniigrowing as a mycoparasite and one isolate ofT. brevefrom berries (Table2). In Kenya, four species were collected, namely: one isolate ofT. aggressivumgrowing ...
As already mentioned, the genome sequencing for some of these species has been reported before. For the sequencing of the new strains and annotation improvement of previously published genomes ofT. reeseiandT. hamatumseeMethodsand Additional files2,3, and4. TheTrichodermagenomes vary in size (33 ...
Cheng P, Liu B, Su Y, Hu Y, Hong Y, Yi X, Chen L, Su S, Chu JSC, Chen N, Xiong X (2017) Genomics insights into different cellobiose hydrolysis activities in two Trichoderma hamatum strains. Microb Cell Fact 16(1):1–16 Article CAS Google Scholar Cherry JR, Fidantsef AL (200...
factor 1 (tef1), genes are highly effective in identifying species within theTrichodermagenera45. The molecular identification ofTrichoderma hamatumstrain Th23, which was obtained from the roots of tomato plants, was conducted using phylogenetic analysis utilizing the ITS,tef1, andrpb2 gene sequence...
(3.33 mm),Trichoderma hamatumAAUS12 (3.00 mm),Trichoderma hamatumAAUS69 (2.67 mm), andTrichoderma reeseiAAUAm31 (2 mm) displayed zone of inhibition againstFusarium solaniAAUF51 isolate.Trichodermaisolates showed a higher inhibition effect thanPseudomonasisolates.Trichoderma harzianumAAUW1 ...