What muscles do rope pulldown work? The synergistic muscles involved are the pecs of the chest,the triceps, deltoids, rhomboids, and levator scapulae. The muscles that work to stabilize the move are the triceps, pectoralis major, wrist flexors, and the abdominal muscles: rectus abdominis and ...
Tricep pushdowns, sometimes called pulldowns, are one of the best exercises for developing mass in the triceps, strengthening the three muscles responsible for extending and straightening your arms. How to do a tricep pushdown https://youtu.be/EsIddhEdo1M 1. Attach a straight bar, angled bar...
Work your shoulders, abdominal muscles and upper back. EXERCISES: Full body workout pull downs, press downs, curls, crunches, kickbacks, bent over row, single leg deadlift, shrugs, choppers, pushing, pulling, knee bending or hip extending. MUSCLES WORKED: Focus on Latissimus Doris, Trees ...