项目主页:MeshGPT: Generating Triangle Meshes with Decoder-Only Transformers 论文地址:nihalsid.github.io/mesh-gpt/static/MeshGPT.pdf 该文章的核心贡献就是给出了一种3D结构的sequence formulation,并成功使用Decoder-only Transformer实现了auto-regressive的生成模式。 该工作总共分为两个步骤: 从大量3D meshes中...
11.2.2 Pros and cons of triangle meshes Xnxmgpirotapitsmoho sscaefru jyrw triangle meshes tylaadslcri flisemisip ffc ryo qzmr hbendi Ceolnoa oironpeats hsn esfstof. Yn cntieniotser lv c npela uns s rhespe cj c ireclc, ltx epxamel, rqh jl bqv domle drqx itnetesi sc triangle ...
CGAL - SourceCode - Intersection_of_triangle_meshes 源码阅读 CGAL\Polygon_mesh_processing\internal\Corefinement\intersection_impl.h 基本原理 该functor用来计算三角形网格的两两相交。相交结果是polylines(多线段)。该算法的基本步骤如下: 每个三角形网格中,我们从边中提取出segments集合,从面中,提取出三角形集合。
下图所示为两个网格球的公共部分Intersection的结果: Figure 3. Intersection between sphere meshes 由上图可以看出,经过布尔运算后,网格变密了。 Figure 4. Union between sphere meshes 上图所示为两个网格球的合并union结果。合并后的网格也变密了。 Figure 5. Difference between sphere meshes 3.Cork Cork是一...
Figure 7. Union between two sphere meshes Figure 8. Difference between two sphere meshes Figure 9. Intersection between two sphere meshes 从上面结果可以看出cork库得到的结果网格效果好,没有加密。 4. Conclusion 基于网格的布尔运算也是三维建模中一个基本功能,一些开源库提供了对网格进行布尔运算的支持。如...
Figure 4. Union between sphere meshes 上图所示为两个网格球的合并union结果。合并后的网格也变密了。 Figure 5. Difference between sphere meshes 3.Cork Cork是一个小巧的用于网格布尔运算的开源库(LGPL),可以从如下地址下载: https://github.com/gilbo/cork ...
Edgebreaker : Connectivity compression for triangle meshes. IEEE Transactions on Visualiza- tion and Computer Graphics, pages 47-61, 1999.J. Rossignac, "Edgebreaker: Connectivity Compression for Triangle Meshes," IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5(1), pp. 47-61, January-...
Figure 9. Intersection between two sphere meshes 从上面结果可以看出cork库得到的结果网格效果好,没有加密。 4. Conclusion 基于网格的布尔运算也是三维建模中一个基本功能,一些开源库提供了对网格进行布尔运算的支持。如MeshLab, Cork, CGAL等。 本文通过在MeshLab和Cork中对两个球的网格进行布尔运算,对比运算的结...
1) Triangle Meshes Digital Terrian 2) Digital Unix Digital Unix 1. The Safety management skill ofDigital Unix; Digital Unix安全管理技巧 3) Digital Earth Digital Earth 1. The application ofDigital Earthin earthquake protection and disaster reduction—A Case about Google Earth; ...
asecurity chief 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] aIncorporate vegetated green wall systems in occupied areas. 合并被植生的绿色墙壁系统在占有面积。[translate] apupoler pupoler[translate] aThe cortical surface is tessellated into triangle meshes, 表皮表面是棋盘格的入三角滤网,[translate]...