DNA precipitation This procedure begins with the material remaining after step 5 of the TRI Reagent RNA Isolation Protocol, i.e., the lower, red, organic/phenol phase, and the interphase. The phenol phase and interphase can be stored at 4°C ...
DNA Isolation:•8 mM NaOH •0.1 M trisodium citrate, 10% ethanol solution •Absolute ethanol •75% ethanol •EDTA Protein Isolation:•2-Propanol, Catalog Number I9516 •Absolute ethanol, Catalog Number E7023 •95% Ethanol, Catalog Number E7148 •1% SDS, Catalog Number L4522, ...
Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB310773986 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商1 Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent化学性质 安全信息 Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent性质、用途与生产工艺 ...
The final preparation of total RNA is essentially free of DNA and proteins and has a 260/280 ratio 1.6 - 1.9. For RT-PCR analysis, DNase treatment may be necessary for optimal results. Typically, 15 - 20 µg oftotal RNA can be isolated from 1 ml of human whole blood. For optimal ...
A complete, ready-to-use reagent for the isolation of total RNA or the simultaneous isolation of RNA, DNA, and protein from a variety of biological samples. SimpleA single reagent for isolation of DNA-free RNA, RNA-free DNA,
公司名称:Otto Chemie Pvt. Ltd.推荐 联系电话:+91 9820041841 电子邮件:info@ottokemi.com 国籍:印度 产品介绍:英文名称:Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent CB指数:58 网址:www.ottokemi.com 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(5870)用户评价 1
☆有效分离RNA,亦可使用同一系统连续纯化DNA及protein ☆快速简便;1小时内可得高纯度之RNA,且回收率较其它方法高30-150 % ☆本产品为Single Step RNA Isolation技术创始人Dr. Piotr Chomczynski所研发,质量值得信赖 ☆纯化之RNA可直接用于Northern分析,点杂交,分子筛选,体外转染,RNA酶保护试验,分子克隆,和PCR等实验...
4.贴壁细胞:直接在培养板中加入裂解液裂解细胞,按培养板面积每10cm2加入300~400μl TRI LS Reagent,用移液器吹打混匀,直到看不到明显的细胞团为止。裂解液加入量不足会有DNA污染。 5.悬浮细胞:离心收集细胞。每5 ~ 10×106动物、植物和酵母细胞或每1×107细菌细胞加入750μl TRI LS Reagent混匀。如果悬浮...
METHOD FOR THE ISOLATION OF GENOMIC DNA, RNA, PROTEINS AND METABOLITES FROM A SINGLE BIOLOGICAL SAMPLE The invention provides method and kit for the separation and purification of cellular components including polar and non-polar metabolites, genomic DNA, RNA and proteins from a single biological sam...
Although TRIzol removes large DNA molecules efficiently, it does not remove plasmid DNA or DNA fragments efficiently, which can be problematic for subsequent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) applications. However, when used appropriately, the RNA yield is quantitative. An alternative method for...