We have successfully detected miRNAs in as little as 25 pg of total RNA (~100 cells) in samples where the miRNA was highly abundant. The total RNA isolation procedure used must preserve small RNA species. We recommend the Invitrogen mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (Cat. No. AM1560) or TRI ...
Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB310773986 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商1 Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent化学性质 安全信息 Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent性质、用途与生产工艺 ...
detected miRNAs in as little as 25 pg of total RNA (~100 cells) in samples where the miRNA was highly abundant. The total RNA isolation procedure used must preserve small RNA species. We recommend the Invitrogen mirVana miRNA Isolation Kit (Cat. No. AM1560) or TRI reagent (Cat. No. AM...
after RNA transfer visualizes two predominant bands of small (2 kb) and large (5 kb) ribosomal RNA, low molecularweight (0.1 - 0.3 kb) RNA. The final preparation of total RNA is essentially free of DNA and proteins and has a 260/280 ratio 1.6 - 1.9. For RT-PCR analysis, DNase trea...
公司名称:Otto Chemie Pvt. Ltd.推荐 联系电话:+91 9820041841 电子邮件:info@ottokemi.com 国籍:印度 产品介绍:英文名称:Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent CB指数:58 网址:www.ottokemi.com 相关信息:全球销售网络产品目录(5870)用户评价 1
METHOD FOR THE ISOLATION OF GENOMIC DNA, RNA, PROTEINS AND METABOLITES FROM A SINGLE BIOLOGICAL SAMPLE The invention provides method and kit for the separation and purification of cellular components including polar and non-polar metabolites, genomic DNA, RNA and proteins from a single biological sam...
and elute the RNA. No phase separation, precipitation, or post-purification steps are necessary. Small RNAs (≥17 nucleotides) are efficiently and consistently recovered using this kit. The result is broad range purification of small and large RNAs suitable for subsequent RNA-based methods including...
The RNA Isolation Protocol is provided with TRI Reagent (Cat #9738). The DNA isolated by this protocol is suitable for PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and Southern blotting. The recovered protein is suitable for analysis by Western blotting.DNA ...
Agarose Gel Electrophoresis of RNA 使用TRI 试剂从 LeukoLOCK™ 过滤器捕获的细胞中提取 RNA 的替代实验方案 Alternate Protocol: Isolation of Small RNAs Using the RiboPure™-Blood Kit 用于采集白细胞的血液成...
英文名称: Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent 英文同义词: Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent CAS号: 分子式: 分子量: 0 EINECS号: Mol文件: Mol File Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent 信息错误报告 提交 按省份浏览Tri-Reagent(Dna / Rna Isolation Reagent供应商 国外供应商 ...