The concept taps into people's changing attitudes towards alcohol-centric socializing, driven by health consciousness, budgetary constraints and after-dark safety concerns. Habits are evolving, and more consumers — particularly Gen Z — are seeking alternatives to late-night partying. The first Crois...
Many teens use this term to refer to a person they are in a romantic relationship with or to refer to a best friend. Some millennial friends may use it as an acronym for “Before Anyone Else.” Others may use it in the form of one of the many new words created from African-American...
Many teens use this term to refer to a person they are in a romantic relationship with or to refer to a best friend. Some millennial friends may use it as an acronym for “Before Anyone Else.” Others may use it in the form of one of the many new words created from African-American...
Ouellette JWood W Habit and intention in everyday life: the multiple processes by which past behavior predicts future behavior. Psychol Bull. 1998;12454- 74Google ScholarCrossref 7. Johnson RAGerstein DR Initiation of use of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, and other substances in US ...
Indiana University chemistry professor Rolla Harger’s Drunkometer was a predecessor of today’s breathalyzer. Ironically, this second version was created by another Indiana University professor. The earlier Drunkometer model used a rubber balloon and purple liquid to measure a person’s alcohol consum...
Some teens tend to try out drugs, and alcohol. However, some are having unprotected sex in which, is leads to having babies. This is called, teenage pregnancy. This has caused the United States to create records based off of the statistics and facts given from, researchers across the ...
K. (2021). The influence of parental alcoholism on parent–adolescent relationships from adolescence into emerging adulthood: A qualitative inquiry. Emerging Adulthood, 9(2), 117–131. Article Google Scholar Blevins, C. E., Caviness, C. M., Anderson,...
(2017a). Sexting behaviors and cyber pornography addiction among adolescents: The moderating role of alcohol consumption. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 14(2), 113–121. Article Google Scholar Morelli, M., Bianchi, D., Cattelino, E., ...
OBJECTIVES: Since 1981, per capita consumption of alcohol (based on sales figures) has decreased in the United States. This study describes drinking patterns in the 1990 national alcohol survey by demographic correlates and assesses changes in drinking patterns from the 1984 survey. METHODS: Data we...
Use of cigarettes, alcohol, and abuse of prescription pain relievers among teens has declined since 2013 while marijuana use rates were stable, according to the 2014 Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey, released today by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). However, use of e-cigarettes...