The use of alcohol by teens has dropped dramatically over roughly the past two decades -- particularly among the youngest teens -- and continues to drop in 2014. The 30-day prevalence of alcohol use declined significantly in all three grades in 2014. The 12th-grade decline is statistically si...
How does early onset alcohol abuse impact your teens future? Alcohol abuse can have a lasting impact on your teenager for the rest of their lives. According to a study done by The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), “Persons reporting first use of alcohol before age 15 were ...
Research shows that those who grew up in a household in which domestic violence took place or in which a parent suffered fromalcoholismare more likely to become either perpetrators or victims of intimate partner violence as adults. Teenagers who suffer frommental illnessare also at risk of being...
Teen driver safety trends may also shift with the school year, with the fall semester seeing the highest average rate of deaths compared to both the spring semester and the summer. The 2022IIHS databelow may help teens and parents understand the role that different times, days of the week an...
Research indicates that kids are less likely to engage in under age drinking when some or several of the following conditions exist: 1.Role modelling:Parents and siblings who do not drink or drink only a little have a stronge stronger influence on their teens and serve as good models. 2....
North America conferencethat found differences in brain structure and brain function (included different levels of chemicals in the brain) in teens who were thought to be addicted to smartphones (and corresponding “normalisation” of brain structure and function after these teens went through ...
Learning about hate organizations and teen violence can present adults and even teens with a perspective on this dangerous culture surrounding the life of gangs and other hate organizations that are made worse through teen violence, which is a trend that continues to grow. ...
Texting while driving is six times more likely to cause a car accident than drunk driving, and is involved in over 1.6 million accidents each year, with over 3,000 teens killed while texting and driving. Q:What happens when you text and drive?
1 in 6 teens binge drink (excessively consuming alcohol in a short time period). Only 1 in 100 parents believe his or her child binge drinks. Youth drinking is correlated to adult drinking – children of parents who binge drink are 2x as likely to binge drink. 70% of young people have...
We are familiar with the hazards of drinking and driving, or even texting and driving, but many people underestimate the dangers of drowsy driving. It’s an issue commonly associated with truck drivers, bus drivers and the many other professionals who fr