The PineTree can be found growing naturallyin the Cindersap Forest, the RailRoad, and around the Carpenter’s Shop ofStardew Valley. However, players can also grow them on The Farm using Pine Cones. These trees typically have a conical shape and are covered with needle-like leaves. RELATED:M...
The tree-planting strategy has been saved! The fruit of this kind of fruit tree can replace ancient fruits.
8 0 23:26 App Stardew Valley - #43 - Thor's Day (4-Player Gameplay) 6 0 27:00 App 派森3842 8 0 08:55 App Turning Food Scraps into Fertilizer in 5 Hours? 1000 19 0 03:29 App Everything Goes On - Porter Robinson (Official Lyric Video) | Star Guardian 2022 3 0 03:31 App...
25 Unique DLs 931 Total DLs 1,064 Total views 5,476 Version 1.0.0 Download: Manual 3 items Last updated 09 April 20245:59PM Original upload 09 April 20245:59PM Created by CyberCheese Uploaded by cybercheese15 Virus scan Safe to use ...
A Mystic Tree is a tree that grows from a Mystic Tree Seed. The crafting recipe for the seed becomes available after Foraging Mastery is claimed. The tree yields Mystic Syrup every 7 days when tapped (3 days with a Heavy Tapper). It can be chopped down w
or each day in Fall if a Purple one has been harvested before or if the tapper has been placed during the ongoing season. This implies the player can remove and then replace the tapper anytime in Fall to get Red Mushrooms each day until the end of the season, except for the 11th and...
模板:NavboxTreeWIKI功能跳到导航 跳到搜索 分类: 模板 游戏中心 | 帐号安全 | 找回密码 | 家长监控 | 用户协议 抵制不良游戏 拒绝盗版游戏 注意自我保护 谨防受骗上当 适度游戏益脑 沉迷游戏伤身 合理安排时间 享受健康生活 芜湖享游网络技术有限公司 | COPYRIGHT © 2009-2025 BILIBILI ALL RIGHTS RESERVED....
TreeTransplantis aStardew Valleymod that lets you transplant trees (including fruit trees) on your farm without needing to chop them down and wait for them to regrow. Install Install the latest version of SMAPI. Download the newest versionand install into the mods directory. ...
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黑金库克 11 0 Dragon Cult Incantations Build - How to build a Dragon Priestess Shadow of the E 黑金库克 2 0 Mentally Unpacking - Stardew Valley Expanded - Part 19 20240715203341 黑金库克 2 0 Becoming The Most POWERFUL Player in CROPS! 20240716021245 黑金库克 0 0 展开...