Unique DLs 49 Total DLs 65 Total views 2,770 Version 7.1 Original File Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 08 April 20243:31AM Original upload 03 April 20245:49PM Created by Necromante96Official Uploaded by Necromante96Official Safe to use ...
The enchanting world ofStardew Valleywouldn’t be as aesthetically pleasing as it is without the presence of the vibrant Trees. Among the many trees present around the Valley, Pine trees have a distinctive look. They have deep green foliage year-round, making them one of the game's evergreen...
1.4: Updated growth stage appearance from trees to mushrooms. Eliminated weeds object obtained by shaking or chopping tree. Changed processing time of tapped mushroom trees so that they’re harvestable in the morning (instead of midway through the day). Fixed issue where harvesting a tapped mushroo...
Unlike other trees, Mystic Trees do not spread seeds on their own. Their seeds also do not drop when shaken or chopped. The tree will interact withMushroom Logsto make morePurple Mushroomsavailable for harvest. Stages of Growth Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stump ...
Tracking centre historyDownload history Give Feedback settingsAccount settings tuneSite preferences exit_to_appSign out All games Stardew Valley Mods Gameplay Mechanics Small Tree Texture Endorsements 41 Unique DLs 1,853 Total DLs 2,145 Total views ...
A tree can only be relocated when all of the surrounding tiles are green, if they are red that means there is a collision with another object such as a rock or building. Certain trees also have different requirements for growth like this sapling which needs all surrounding tiles to be clear...
Fruit Tree Tweaks is a mod for Stardew Valley, created by aedenthorn. Description: Lets you plant fruit trees next to other trees and on any map or tile, let them grow next to objects and crops, change their growth rate, set max fruit and fruit per day, days maturity required for ...
TreeTransplant TreeTransplant is a Stardew Valley mod that lets you transplant trees (including fruit trees) on your farm without needing to chop them...
返回至“Tree of the Winter Star”。星露谷1.6版本发布,点击查看更新日志。 本站点内容全部基于官方维基和游戏资料制作,基于CC BY-NC-SA 3.0协议分享,严禁抄袭,转载需注明来源。 我们反对任何破解和盗版行为,请前往steam商店或WeGame商店购买正版支持原作者的辛勤劳动。用户...
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