treatment n. 1.[u][c]~ (for sth)治疗;疗法;诊治something that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to make sb look and feel good 2.[u]对待;待遇a way of behaving towards or dealing with a person or thing 3.[u][c]处理;讨论;论述a way of dealing with or discussing a subjec...
Rimantadine (Rim) has appeared to be more effective than amantadineand in animal Flu A infections and better tolerated in adults. However rimantadine has not been studied in children. Thus, Rim was compared to acetaminophen for treatment of Flu A infections in children from private practice....
And don't forget -- make sure they drink a lot of fluids. flu remedies cold medications skin Usually, you don't need to take your sick child to the doctor. But sometimes fever can be a serious warning sign. Call your pediatrician if your child: Has a temperature of 104 F or higher ...
Her child Agnes Poni has been suffering from a combination of gastritis, flu and skin rash since March, but was not getting proper medical treatment until the opportunity arose during the visit of the 11th batch of the Chinese medical team to her village. Keji said that she previously had so...
Causes of Cough in Children A cough is usually a sign that your child's body is trying to rid itself of an irritant. Common causes of cough include: Infection.Colds,flu, andcroupcan all lead to a lingering cough for kids.Coldstend to cause a mild to moderate hacking cough; theflua som...
During the current peak season for respiratory infections in children, the primary pathogens remain viruses and mycoplasma pneumoniae, with the influenza virus being the most prevalent, doctors said at a press conference held by the National Health Commission (NHC) on Sunday, reminding parents to all...
for children from the national stockpile and began 15 orders from the states for the new swine flu vaccine.The new vaccine,which is different from the annual flu vaccine,is 16 ahead of expectations.More than three million doses were to be made available in early October 20...
Development of a parent training program for children with pervasive developmental disorders intended to determine the efficacy of combined pharmacological treatment and behavioral intervention to improve behavior and adaptive functioning in children with ... CR Johnson,BL Handen,E Butter,... - 《Behavior...
There are many common triggers for both “productive” (or wet) coughs and “nonproductive” (or dry) coughs. Productive coughs help get mucus out of your lungs. Dry coughs don’t produce anything. Wet coughs can be caused by: Viruses.Colds and thefluare the most common causes of a pro...
If there is constant moisture present in the anus or stool incontinence, it may be necessary to clean the anus with wet wipes between bowel movements. Many over-the-counter (OTC) products are sold for the treatment of an itchy anus and are available as ointments, creams, gels, suppositories...