A:At some point in their lives, everyone will encounter the influenza virus for the first time. However, the younger or older a person is at that time, the more severe the effects of the virus. Children are vaccinated against influenza, which directly or indirectly affects their immunogenicity...
Viruses are the most common cause of respiratory infections. They include household names such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), coronavirus, measles, mumps and rhinovirus. “Viral infections tend to last up to 10 days and can, when they’re mild, respond well to over-the-count...
Because viral infections such as influenza can develop into bacterial pneumonia, it's important that children 6 months and older receive a yearly influenza vaccine, according to the guidelines. It is also important that infants and children are up to date on their other scheduled vaccines, several...
Get a flu shot. The best way to prevent the need for any of this is to get aflu shot, Roy says, and there are very few reasons not to get one. They're effective and safe, but because the flu virus changes, people should get an influenza vaccination every year. He recommends them ...
"Stomach flu" isn't actually the flu (influenza) butgastroenteritis, anupset stomachusually caused by a virus. Symptoms may include abdominal pain,cramps,diarrhea, fever, andvomiting. They can also include a rash. They usually improve within a few days. ...
Siddiqui notes, “I’ve sacrificed all harmful practices in my life. This isn’t a huge sacrifice – I just stopped eating meat, which is the best thing I could do for my body, the animals, and the planet. When you cook biryani, kheer, and kebabs for Eid, they can easily be made...