The degree to which your heart rate changes from beat to beat in response to normal impulses is known as your heart rate variability. The authors wrote "Low heart rate variability predicts death after myocardial infarction (heart attack). It is reduced in depressed compared with non-depressed ...
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and a major cause of morbidity and disability in the United States, with an estimated 6 million people having symptomatic coronary heart disease (CHD).1 Recent studies2-7 have shown that depression and low perceived social support (LPSS) are ...
What resting heart rate should one aim for when treating patients with heart failure with a beta-blocker? Experiences from the Metoprolol Controlled Releas... The goal of this study was to explore the question: what resting heart rate (HR) should one aim for when treating patients with heart...
Low energy Thoughts of suicide or attempting suicide Some possible signs of anxiety are: Feeling nervous, tense, or restless Having feelings of panic or doom A fast heart rate Rapid and heavy breathing Sweating Trembling or shaking Feeling tired or weak ...
Toobservethetherapeuticeffectofperitonealdialysisonlowcardiacoutputsyndrome ( LCOS ) aftersurgeryinchildrenwithcongenitalheartdisease ( CHD ) .Methods : Atotalof61CHDchildrencomplicated withLCOSaftersurgerywereselected.Echocardiographywasusedtomeasureheartchamberdiameter , leftven- tricularejectionfraction ( LVEF )...
Beneficial effects of aggressive low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in women with stable coronary heart disease in the Treating to New Targets (T... et al.Beneficial effects of aggressive low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering in women with stable coronaryheart disease in the Treating ...
The level shouldn’t be too low or too high. Your doctor will also probably suggest you drink eight to 12 glasses of water a day during treatment and use a normal amount of salt in your food. This helps to keep your lithium level steady. Different people need different doses. Your ...
A "run-in" phase was used to assess tolerability of low-dose telmisartan, and after the run-in phase the agent was titrated to the target dose of 80 mg/day every 2 weeks. The average age was 63 years, and nearly all of them (90%) were men. Slightly more than one-half (57%) ...
For complex diseases, most drugs are highly ineffective, and the success rate of drug discovery is in constant decline. While low quality, reproducibility issues, and translational irrelevance of most basic and preclinical research have contributed to this, the current organ-centricity of medicine and...
low dosage group of the formula for calming the liver and suppressing yang and Enalapril Maleate tablets group,with eight rats in each group.The observation and determination methods of signs and general behavior were established.BP(blood pressure) and heart rate were measured respectivelyby tail-...