In any anti-acne treatment plan, it’s always a good idea to increase your omega-3 fatty acid intake to help fight inflammation. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include ground flaxseeds,spirulina,chlorella, and cold-water fish such as salmon, rainbow trout, herring, mackerel, and sardines...
What are the signs & symptoms of a chest infection? How do you know if you have a chest infection? The first thing you’ll need to familiarise yourself with is the symptoms of a chest infection. They can share similarities to that of cold and flu and can include: • A persistent, ...
Sore throats can irritate, causing a throat tickle or itchy throat. They can also be quite painful, especially when swallowing and speaking. There are many possible causes of a sore or itchy throat or that feeling of mucus in your throat. A cold virus is the most likely, however. In tha...
Visit a GP if you have any of the following symptoms and are concerned: A high temperature above 39°C Sharp chest pains Difficulty breathing Swollen glands in your neck and/or armpits Severe earache If your symptoms last longer than three weeks for cold symptoms, or seven days for flu symp...
Cold and flu Headaches and migraines Joint pain Lifestyle support Mental health Sexual health Skin conditions Stomach & digestive problems What we don’t treat Doctor Care Anywhere is not an emergency medical service sowe don’t treat emergencies.If you think you have a medical emergency, please ...
Apply a cold compress to your sore Achilles tendon for 20 minutes at a time. Do this frequently throughout the day. Wrap your entire ankle in an Ace bandage and use claw clips to secure it. Make sure the bandage is compressing your calve muscles. According to the Mayo Clinic, this can...
Fungal acne is not technically acne, but rather a type of folliculitis that often presents as small uniform acne bumps on the forehead. Fungal acne can also appear on other areas of the face, in addition to the hairline, chest, and back.³ It’s caused by pityrosporum, a naturally occ...
Chest tightness, pressure, or pain Trouble sleepingcausedby shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing A whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling Coughing or wheezing attacks that are worsened by a respiratory virus, such as a cold or the flu ...
What to do: If the doctor suspects that a foreign body is causing the cough, they'll order a chest X-ray. If it shows something trapped in your child's lungs, the object will have to be removed surgically. Baby cough followed by "whoop" sound Likely cause: Whooping cough, also known...
With all the cold and rain this winter my legs are cracking and peeling again. I remembered the article about all the thing banana peels can treat and thought, what the heck. I rubbed into the worst area then let it sit, peel and all. Within a half hour the skin on my shin (only...