要使用O(1)空间进行遍历,最大的难点在于,遍历到子节点的时候怎样重新返回到父节点(假设节点中没有指向父节点的p指针),由于不能用栈作为辅助空间。为了解决这个问题,Morris方法用到了线索二叉树(threaded binary tree)的概念。在Morris方法中不需要为每个节点额外分配指针指向其前驱(predecessor)和后继节点(successor),...
为了解决这个问题,Morris方法用到了线索二叉树(threaded binary tree)的概念。在Morris方法中不需要为每个节点额外分配指针指向其前驱(predecessor)和后继节点(successor),只需要利用叶子节点中的左右空指针指向某种顺序遍历下的前驱节点或后继节点就可以了。 Morris只提供了中序遍历的方法,在中序遍历的基础上稍加修改可...
Using Morris Traversal, we can traverse the tree without using stack and recursion. The idea of Morris Traversal is based onThreaded Binary Tree.In this traversal, we first create links to Inorder successor and print the data using these links, and finally revert the changes to restore original...
Threaded binary tree in order to establish and achieve in ordertraversal. 建立中序线索二叉树,并实现中序遍历. 互联网 Traversalstring: The '!'delimiter is not valid in a parameter list. 遍历字符串:分 隔符“! ”在参数列表中无效. 互联网 ...
Morris traversal is a traversal technique which uses the concept of threaded binary tree and helps to traversal any binary tree without recursion and without using stack (any additional storage).
网络释义 1. 二叉树遍历 6.4二叉树遍历(Binary Tree Traversal) (牢固掌握)6.5* 线索化二叉树(Threaded Binary Tree) (一般了解) 6.6 堆(Heap) (牢固掌 … math.sysu.edu.cn|基于31个网页 2. 遍历二叉树 ...树 (Binary Tree) 二叉树的存储结构遍历二叉树(Binary Tree Traversal) 线索化二叉树 (Threaded...
The paper compares expected performance measures for common traversal algorithms operating on threaded and unthreaded binary trees, under the assumption that the trees are selected from the distribution induced by random insertions. The results are shown to be similar to those derived in an earlier pa...
例句 1. Traversal string: The '!' delimiter requires a name to operate on. 遍历字符串:分隔符“!”要求分隔一个名称。 2. Threaded binary tree in order to establish and achieve in order traversal. 建立中序线索二叉树,并实现中序遍历。 轻松...
Threaded Tree "A binary tree is threaded by making all right child pointers that would normally be null point to the inorder successor of the node (if it exists), and all left child pointers that would normally be null point to the inorder predecessor of the node.[1] Morris Traversal Mo...
Starting from a stack-based binary tree traversal algorithm for preorder and/or inorder, we derive an algorithm recently discovered by J. M. Morris which requires neither stack nor tag fields. This algorithm may also be derived from the familiar threaded binary tree traversal algorithm. By ...