The injury to head can cause distinctive types of haemorrhages namely, Epidural Haematoma (EDH), subdural haematoma (SDH), Subarachnoid Haematoma (SAH) and Intra-Parenchymal Haematoma (IPH), SAH and SDH being the more common ones. Acute subdural haematomas oft...
We studied the clinical characteristics - age, sex, Glascow coma scale (GCS), need for craniotomy or craniectomy, radiographic characteristics on the CT scan on the day of presentation, presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), location of SAH, presence of contusion, presence of SDH, and ...
presence or absence of concomitant multiple contusions and lacerations in bilateral brain tissue, presence or absence of concomitant subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) or intraventricular haemorrhage, presence or absence of bilateral basal cistern compression and disappearance, SDH thickness, and ICP values befo...
Her endotracheal tube was intact and in good position and confirmed with positive end-tidal CO2. CT scans of the head, face and cervical spine revealed the following: Diffuse SAH over the left frontoparietal lobes; cerebral edema; SDH; DAI; transtentorial herniation; tonsillar herniatio...
SAH: Subarachnoid hemorrhage SDH: Subdural hematoma SR: Structured reporting SWI: Susceptibility-weighted imaging TAI: Traumatic axonal injury TBI: Traumatic brain injury tSAH: Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage References Adams JH, Graham DI, Murray LS, Scott G. Diffuse axonal injury due to nonmissile ...
Findings of SDH, traumatic SAH, and pneumocephalus did not significantly increase the risk of EPTS. On univariate analysis of patients who developed seizures after levetiracetam, the only significant imaging factor for EPTS was SDH (OR 4.398 [1.447-13.370], p = 0.009). On multivariate analysis,...
The case report highlights the rehabilitation journey of a patient with acute SDH and SAH. The patient can now sit independently and stand with minimal assistance. Vasospasm detection, prevention, and treatment need to be the norm at that time. This case demonstrates the effectiveness of a ...
Univariate analysis of data showed significant correlation of prognosis with GCS, Fisher grade, presence of \\{SDH\\} and fresh \\{SAH\\} on \\{MRI\\} scans. Death rate was maximum in Fisher grade \\{III\\} (6.06%) relating \\{SAH\\} thickness. On \\{MRI\\} sequence, 12 ...
We evaluated trauma status of ICB subtypes - intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and subdural hematoma (SDH) - in a large population of patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) receiving oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy. Methods: Using the IQVIA Medical ...
The primary injury is the initial trauma that results in subdural (SDH), epidural (EDH), subarachnoid (SAH), or intraparenchymal hemorrhage or hematoma (IPH), contusion, or diffuse axonal injury (DAI). Secondary injuries are potentially preventable events that include cerebral hypoxia, hypo-/...